Am I Screwed?

<p>So I was accepted and already paid my deposit to Michigan about a month ago. Last week I got a marijuana possession charge for under an ounce. I live in Georgia and the law here probably will mean I will get a period of probation/community service/classes and a fine. It is a misdemeanor and usually upon completion of all resulting punishments, is expunged from records. I am an 18 year old so I doubt I would just be charged as a minor. I also had some minor disciplinary trouble earlier this year (breaking a very minor boarding school sign out procedure rule which put me on "probation"), but apart from that, am have had no record of rule or law breaking. I am about a 3.75 GPA, 2080 SAT, white male. I have great ECs, my dad is an alum who is very involved. My court date also isnt until March 31st, pretty far away. What should I do in terms of notifying Michigan and really more importantly, (for moving forward through this process) do you think that this is likely to result in a revoking of my acceptance, or a decrease in my chance of getting into the Honors and Business programs?</p>

<p>nah. you should be o.k.
don’t worry about and don’t mention it.</p>

<p>Is your 3.75 GPA weighted or unweighted?</p>


<p>Yeah, doesn’t look like your in such a good position. I wouldn’t be surprise for someone to be worried in your position.</p>

<p>unweighted. 3.87 frosh, 3.92 soph (transfered to boarding school for junior and first half of senior), 3.41 junior, 3.44 and rising senior. to be completely honest, i dont care about the position im in now, i care about how it will affect my future (aka potentially ruin it)</p>

<p>Well yeah there is a high potential of revoke, I wouldn’t be surprise at all. </p>


<p>Just wanted to know whether it was weighted or unweighted for my own reference ( senior next year).</p>


<p>if they don’t find out… they can’t revoke admission.</p>

<p>Make a friend call and have him/her hypothetically ask about misdemeanor charges. :P</p>

<p>i feel like its unlikely that they wouldnt find out and also that the admissions office would give me a straight answer if i asked</p>

<p>What impact will the arrest have for you at school? Are you subject to discipline there as a result of these charges? Do you have an attorney? You need to talk to your parents and your lawyer. Not necessarily in that order.</p>

<p>If this happen during the time you applied ( and since you said you’ve been accepted) they may would have got second thoughts about you and placed you on the waiting list or something. So if they are to find out maybe they’ll just place you on a waiting/ pending list due to this happening.</p>

<p>i go to an extremely liberal school that will not take any action based on this. My attorney is probably going to be one of my friends dad, who is an extremely good lawyer. I already talked to my parents. Also, coolbrezze, wait a year or two til your applying and have an idea what your talking about. Michigan uses a process where they initially filter all applications based on things like criminal and academic discipline. If you make it past that filter, they no longer look at that as part of your record and application.</p>

<p>I don’t really have any knowledge about this particular situation, but it doesn’t seem as if it would get you rescinded. I mean Ann Arbor is the town that hosts the Hash Bash every year.</p>

<p>i mean, thats what i was thinking, and weed is decriminalized in michigan. if i had a chance anywhere, itd be there. but its different once youve matriculated. In 6 months, i’d be a UM student, they wouldnt expell me… i dont even know. its bad enough to get caught for something so dumb, but doesnt punishing me for it in a way that will hinder my future education perpetuate the cycle that “created this problem” in the eyes of the government? i mean, its not like its not my fault tho</p>

<p>Oh okay well they have a filter, I just assumed they may put some on pending or somesort.</p>

<p>Please have your lawyer call and inquire for specific policy a.s.a.p. (he can cite privilege and not disclose your name) and don’t rely on discussion board for advice at all. Depending on laws in your state you can also apply for a pardon. You may also have a FAFSA/CSS issue to address. No offence intended to fellow posters, but consider, for example, that one of the posters above is a junior who has not yet attended or visited U of M; another is a parent like myself, neither of which can reliably cite U M Regent Statutes by rote ; ). Good luck.</p>

<p>You’ve received good advice from kmccrindle and I hope you’ll take it.</p>

<p>Yeah maybe you would like to get into contact with your lawyer about this…</p>

<p>Though I never gave any advice, just said whether your application can be revoked or not.</p>

<p>i just rechecked this thread for the first time since my last post. I already talked to a lawyer and he said that the case would probably not make it to court, i would just have to do community service and drug awareness programs and the charges might be dropped and that i should not tell colleges. knockonwood</p>