AMC 12A 2016

@imbep49 A 120 is possible: one can answer 20 correctly and the remainder incorrectly. 20(6)+ 5(0)=120

Taiwan people’s scores got rounded up again!! They have 110s in their report on MAA site

The AMC system is kinda screwed up. I’m on the East Coast, and I have friends who were sending questions over to people on the West Coast before they took it (which is stupid, because that raises the cutoff). There’s also a freshman in my school who took AMC 12B in the morning and AMC 10B in the afternoon, despite knowing some questions overlapped… cheating is even more rampant internationally and affects our cutoffs.

I am not surprised with @ellipticmodulo said. I always think this would definitely happen.

12b cutoff is 106.5 and 10b is 110 again

How is it that the 12b cutoff is 106.5? I thought that the maximum possible cutoff score was 100…?