America Reads job

<p>I'm going to be a freshman in the fall and I signed up for an orientation session for the America Reads tutoring job (I have work-study). I'd probably be working around 12 hours a week because of my schedule. Has anyone ever done this job and/or have advice about it? Should I do it or maybe look for another job? It sounds really cool though.</p>

<p>I'd look for another job, America doesn't read - especially in nyc.</p>

<p>Try it, see where you get assigned. If it's far/bad neighborhood/full of minorities then promptly quit. I knew a few people who did it for a while, some like it, most don't.</p>

<p>Do you have to do the job where you're assigned or can you request a closer school? I'm kind of leery about it, though I REALLY like helping out and teaching, inner-city type kids have always been rough on me...</p>

<p>what's wrong with it being "full of minorities?"</p>

<p>That part doesn't bother me. It's the part of inner-city minority kids being rough on me because I'm a minority too and I don't act like them. I've had lots of experiences like that while doing community service and tutoring here in New Orleans.</p>

<p>not you talking to last2...but nocca i signed up for the waitlist also..might as well check it out..</p>

<p>Yeah I will too, and I'll make the best out of whatever situation I'm in because I really like the nature of the job.</p>

<p>Some NYC schools are not pleasant to be in. For instance, one person I know was assigned to a high school (rare) in the east side. The school was full of people who were getting left back, high crime rate, had dozens of security guards around, in other words, an unpleasant situation. The teachers and stuff were fine. That's what I mean.</p>

<p>I actually work for America Reads. Please don't listen to those on this board who haven't or "have friends" who do. They are misrepresenting it.</p>

<p>America Reads is a great job. Great experience. And you will never be placed in a dangerous area. They actually check out the schools before they assign them. I worked in the projects my first semester and felt completely safe during the subway ride, the walk to the school, working at the school, the walk back to the subway, etc...</p>

<p>You will more than likely be assigned to an elementary school. Middle schools are rare and high schools are even more rare. Plus, you get to pick what age group, subject, and location (though it is given preference to those who have worked with Amer. Reads the longest) when you apply with them. They are pretty good about giving you what you asked for.</p>

<p>If you want more info about the job specs or what it is like feel free to PM me.</p>

<p>Where do you find out about opprotunities like this/where can you apply? Is there a website? I'm also going to be a freshman in the fall and i'm dying to do some community service work, I just don't know how to get started.</p>

<p>Is Jumpstart basically the same thing as America Reads except for Preschoolers?</p>

<p>abcdefgh88, out of curiosity, where did you hear of Jumpstart?</p>

<p>and i think so with other minor differences such as stricter hours, you work on a "team," .etc</p>

<p>I applied for Outreach, and then they sent an information e-mail about Jumpstart to everyone who applied.</p>

<p>I think I'll like working with the preschoolers more than elemenatary/middle schoolers. Preschoolers are just too adorable.</p>

<p>Jumpstart seems awesome, but the scheduling is terrible. You have to be available during one of the team sessions, and you have to stick with the team session that you pick for both semesters. You also can only work for11-13 hours per week.</p>

<p>if you don't mind me asking, what school are you in, abcdefgh88?</p>

<p>I'm in Steinhardt. I'm a Comm major.</p>

<p>It also said in the e-mail they give you a $1000 scholarship if you successfully do it all year... is that true? It seems a little wild that they'd just go and give everyone an extra $1000. But yeah, I have $4000 a year in workstudy and Jumpstart only gives me $3150 of it. I don't know. Maybe I'll apply for some other jobs too and see how it goes.</p>

<p>if you like the jumpstart concept, you could just sign up for America Reads too. You'll just have to quit once you reach $850.</p>

<p>I'll probably end up doing something like that. I need all the money I can get.</p>

<p>be careful not to stretch yourself too thin. budgeting is better than being exhausted or not having the time to keep up with your studies.</p>

<p>Now that I've signed up for an America Reads orientation, I'm kinda confused. When I went to the Steinhardt orientation back in June, the guy who was talking about America Reads basically said if you get a spot at an orientation, you get a job... is this true? Should I be applying for more jobs too? What if then I get a different job? America Reads makes me feel really guilty like if I don't take their job, my name will be smeared forever.</p>