<p>Can some one please help with two questions about credentials for Amherst as shown in the acdata site.</p>
<li><p>Does Amherst require both the First Marking Period Grade and the Mid Year Report? While applying, D. had understood that they need only the Mid Year. But the ac data site lists it out. </p></li>
<li><p>Does she have to send the official results of the AP tests to Amherst, just as we do for the SAT? This is the only school where AP tests are listed in the documents page. Hence the question.</p></li>
<p>First, as to the First Marking Period Grades and Mid-Year Report. We just ignored these, because my son is doing ED, and the Mid-Year Report (usually due in Feb.) is for 1st semester grades. His school does not put these out until abou 1/10. My son’s “My Documents” list also mentions the “First Marking Grades.” He did not send any in because the Amherst Admissions site did not mention it. Also, his school does not have quarters or quarter grades, only IPR’s (Interim Progress Reports) which come out 3 times per semester but are not an official part of the transcript and not on the actual transcript. However, my son’s counselor said that Amherst contacted her and asked for my son’s most recent grades, so she sent them his most recent IPR earlier this week.
As to AP scores: my son’s Test Summary on the acdata site mentions his 3 ACT’s, 2 SAT’s, and SAT II’s with dates and scores but no AP’s. I assume this is because we did not ask the AP folks to formally send Amherst his scores. I was told by the counselor (and on CC!) that you only ask AP to sent the scores to the college after the student matriculates to that one college, so AFTER they are accepted. The Test Summary only has scores that were officially sent by the various testing companies. My son did self-report his AP scores on his Common App, however. BUT you asked if you have to send official results of AP’s to Amherst now, implying that you haven’t yet, just like us. So I’m suprised that you see “AP” listed on the Documents or Testing page–we don’t.</p>
<p>jennieling: Your detailed response is so very helpful. Thank you so much! She will ask the school counselor to send the first marking period grades.
We don’t see AP listed along with the other credentials either, but there is a separate box for Placement Tests and that says “no results available” or something like that. Like your son, my D too has not sent official AP scores to any school, but has put them on the common app.
Thanks !</p>
<p>Ordinaryparent, we did see that box for “Placement Tests”. My son’s also says “No tests of this type have been recorded.” I was not sure exactly what this meant, but Amherst told us over the phone that we had sent in everything necessary, so I just didn’t worry about it!
Good luck to your daughter!</p>