Amherst Class of 2027 Official Thread

We received the financial aid offer today and Amherst is 5k more a year than Smith.Unless that changes we will probably reject their offer:(

I’m sure you are correct. Physics is intended major-

Let Amherst know Smith is offering a stronger aid package. There is a decent chance Amherst will be willing to match.


We are going to try. The tuition at Smith is already so expensive & I can’t squeeze anymore outđŸ˜©

Congratulations!! I’m a waitlisted international student. Do you think they’ll still send acceptances or have they declared that they have filled all the spots?

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They haven’t said anything yet about their waitlist being full. I know there is a spot open as of last night though
my daughter did not accept her spot. It was such a hard decision!! Good luck;)

That’s not how it works. One turning down a spot doesn’t automatically open a spot as more are accepted than will attend.

They over accept assuming a certain number will not enroll. The goal is to get that number right and not become over enrolled.

Since the pandemic and TO policies took effect yield predictions became a lot less reliable with top schools being over enrolled and WLs rarely moving.