<p>Why do most of the posters on cc dislike her? Just curious.</p>
<p>It's not that we dislike her. She does a fine job at doing the one real job that university presidents have: raising money.</p>
<p>However, she is a mediocre public speaker (this being an improvement over when she first got here and could only be categorized as a "terrible" speaker), and this is the primary way through which most of Penn's students experience her.</p>
<p>Plus Penn students love to mock everything, regardless of how they feel about them ;)</p>
I like her speeches, especially when they come to higher education.</p>
<p>I have met Gut-Gut about 5 times now. I've yet to see anything edible make it within a foot of her mouth, despite all 5 times being at occasions with food and drink.</p>
<p>The closest I think was when she raised a glass of water half way then changed her mind.</p>