An Appeal to MITchris

<p>My heart goes out to this kid.Do read this and appeal. I am posting this on the parents forum and in the MIT forum.Parents do go on the MIT forum and appeal for this kid.</p>

<p>Dear MITchris,</p>

<p>I just read the post by this kid and your reply to it.</p>

<p>Thanks for answering to his/her desperate call for help.</p>

<p>Given that the elements that be and the power that be have all actually played so much against him/her then I as a parent of a college bound at the college confidential do appeal to you to do something for him/her.
You would know and you have ways of finding out that if what he/she writes here is all true or not.I just know that if this kid has actually gone through all this then my heart goes out to him/her.I am sure there will be a summer melt at all these top schools and and if this kid is deserving of MIT then MIT could go out of it's way and bend the rule.Nobody needs to know.We do everything for ourselves and our families and our kids but if we can appeal to you and if we can have a mass effect in appealing to you on his/her behalf then I think we have done one good thing and maybe saved this deserving student from going into a dark abyss of depression at such a tender age.
If a kid is deserving and going through such a pathetic and depressing state then the least we can do is appeal on his behalf.
Please do something for him.
For all of you reading this here is what the kid wrote on the MIT forum and then what MITchris replied. Can someone post the link to that page here as I don't know how to do this:</p>


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Join Date: Aug 2011
Posts: 19
Homeless, didn't get in through the waitlist, have no where else to go, need advice
Warning: Lots of complaining coming up ahead. I just need to vent, sorry.</p>

<p>Without getting into too many details, I'm homeless and dirt poor. I lived in foster care until I was 18 and then I lived with different friends, going from house to house each week. I live off of money I earn from odd jobs (babysitting, tutoring, gardening, etc.). The most valuable thing I have is this laptop I bought years ago when I still lived with my real parents.</p>

<p>I applied to MIT because I LOVE math and computer science, and I got waitlisted. I'm not an USAMO or USACO medalist, but my accomplishments were good enough for me to be considered by MIT.</p>

<p>I am an international student. I live in the US with no papers. I don't have parents. My friends will all be going to college soon. I won't have anywhere to live. I can't get a real job because I don't have citizenship or residency. I can't go to college because I haven't been accepted anywhere. I can't pay for rent somewhere and feed myself off of babysitting/tutoring money.</p>

<p>I don't know what to do, I'm so lost. My life has been so difficult, and it's hard enough just to keep going these past few years. It feels like right when I've gathered enough strength to stand up again, some angry god just kicks me back down. I can't write everything that's happened on a public forum. Bad things just happen to me left and right. I just feel so helpless.</p>

<p>I can't talk to my friends about this, not yet. Everyone expected me to get in.</p>

<p>I need a solution, I need a plan. Would e-mailing MIT even accomplish anything? Maybe they have ONE international kid who didn't enroll and that would leave a spot for me? I don't know, I'm desperate. </p>

<p>MITchris reply:
Hi -
I am pretty sure I know who you are (initials T.C.?). I tried to leave you a message the other day. Maybe it didn't get through. Send me an email - Chris dot Peterson at MIT dot edu. MIT isn't going to happen this year (we aren't taking anyone else for any reasons) but we can talk about what you can do to help get you some of the other support you need in your life. Everything is going to be OK. You are awesome. I promise you that.</p>

<p>Parents let's come forward and appeal on this kids behalf.
And also please suggest him other colleges if you know of any which will give this kid merit aid and which are still accepting applications.</p>

<p>Thanks. I appreciate it. I know who the student is, know that the story is true, and am trying to get them some support so they at least have food and shelter and other necessities of life. I spoke with her via phone last night and she is going to be fine because she is an incredibly strong young woman. </p>

<p>And if you, as a random parent with a big heart, want to do whatever you can to support students like thisisthais, then the most helpful thing you can do is try and convince your local legislator to pass the [DREAM</a> Act.](<a href=“]DREAM”>DREAM Act - Wikipedia) I say this neutrally: I am not saying you should or shouldn’t support the bill, nor trying to make a political statement, nor giving my own position or MIT’s position. I’m just trying to be a signpost that points you in the right way if you want to do something yourself. </p>

<p>Thank you for your interest and empathy. I know thisisthais appreciates it. So do I. I am proud of this community.</p>

<p>Chris, that was very nice and kind of you helping this girl. God bless of what you did and do in the future. I am very pleased and know that my son made the right decision of coming to MIT this fall. I just hope that he will not only get a good education here at MIT, but also continue to learn building good character through MIT.</p>

<p>When you see situations like this, you realize just how hard MITChris as well well as other admissions officers jobs must be. When you see this girl get bumped to the waitlist in favor of some prep school rower (MITs only real “sport” they care about), it must break his heart.</p>

<p>@placido240, it is not your place to say one person doesn’t deserve to get in over another. </p>

<p>I hope that girl is helped out of her situation, kudos to MITChris and the admissions office for that.</p>

<p>Hello everyone, just wanted to say that this is a truly inspiring community.</p>

<p>The amount of support I have received from MITChris and the people he has put me in contact with is extraordinary. I know I will be okay.</p>

<p>I appreciate all of your compassion, thank you. Like Chris said, if you are a stranger who wants to know what you can do to help, check out [url=&lt;a href=“]DreamActivist[/url”&gt;]DreamActivist[/url</a>]. My story is only one of thousands. Thank you all again!</p>

<p>My dear MITChris,
Thanks for taking care of this child.Kudos to you for going out of your way in helping a kid in whatever best way you could.I will look into the DREAM act.The value system has changed with generations but it’s nice to know that people do care.I am a happy parent knowing that this child is being taken care of.Thanks once again.</p>

<p>@thisisthais-I can see that things have been hard on you.Always believe that we are all here to do our part and that we must do so to the best of our abilities.As you wrote beautifully in the other thread that enjoy the wisp of fresh breeze when it comes your way.
Stay strong and stand tall always.Best of luck for your future.</p>

<p>Great to see people caring about someone who is out on their own. That’s what makes the world okay. We need more of that.</p>