An elective ruined my GPA... will it also ruin my chances?

<p>When I started taking art 1 freshman year, I found it to be something like a de-stressor. I also found to be very good at it and assumed it was an easy course (given that I received a 100 average on it) so I signed up for art 2 my sophomore year.
Big mistake!
I visited my counselor for a copy of my transcript the beginning of my Soph. year and I had a 4.0. He also told me that electives would not affect this. (he took that statement back though), so I completely bombed art 2 without a care in my my mind (not intentionally... the teacher just really hated how I prioritized my Class Presidency) and finished the semester with a 71. No, I'm sure you all know how much damage this could've done to my GPA.
So now I've got something like a high 3.8, irregardless of my straight A's in all my AP courses. Now I'm in my junior year and taking a more rigorous work load in order to better my unweighted GPA and am also studying hard for standardized tests, but I am incredibly wary.
Say I get a 30+ in my ACT, will it help my low GPA (3.88)? I plan on applying to the top colleges i.e Stanford (#! choice!!), Georgetown, John Hopkins, etc. Will the university forgive that only slip up or am I seriously doomed?
Before starting my junior year, I have taken and passed 3 AP tests with 4s and 5s and plan on keeping that trend. Will they look at that too?

<p>I feel your pain, took Speech freshman year with a C as well as getting a C in DC Spanish. In the end Art 2 wont effect your GPA as much as you think, I still have a 3.81 un-weighted GPA. Focus alot on your standardized tests and EC’s, when applying to top schools you have to make yourself standout, they get plenty of applicants with 4.0’s and 2300+ on their SAT.</p>