An Immigrated Asian Kid will apply to 10 schools, Guess what?

<p>(your gpa)/(highest possible gpa)=(your gpa on a 4 point scale)/(4.0)
at least that's the way it SHOULD be if it's proportional</p>

<p>Hey Guys I am back, have another question:</p>

<p>I did so bad on the Writing SAT II test, which I got 510 and it's about 20th percentile, would that hurt my chance? I asked my guidance counselor, she said that in her recommendation for me she will emphasized that I came from a foreign country, and even before I was going to take the SAT I in junior yr, she recommended me to take TOFEL also, she said because if someone came here less than 7 years, he or she can take the TOFEL as the replacement for I think there might be some special treatment for the foreigner, do you guys think so? </p>

<p>Besides the colleges that I have mentioned in the first page, what else should I apply to? I am very good in math ad science, and say about ok in the courses that involve a lot of reading, such as AP eng and Politic. But I am very interest in the business related subject, especially finance and incestment.</p>

<p>the snatch- yes some of the top schools do that, while others dont. That is why alot of people take the SAT/ACT junior year when they are prepared, or else alot of people would give an attempt at freshmen/sophomore year.</p>

<p>Jzl - the TOFEL is a test that would fit you if you qualify. If you got a book like the prinction's review's best colleges, it will say the minimum TOFEL score you need to be able to prehaps shadow your Writing score some. Top notch colleges often will not use TOFEl as a determaining factor, but some will. </p>

<p>Some schools I would look at if I were you in addition to the ones you listed are:
Northwestern and maybe University of Wisconsin-Madison, since they are very strong on math/science.</p>

<p>Alot of good scores often expect a perfect 800 on a SAT II (you can still miss 1 or 2 questions and get a perfect score), since you are allowed to pick the test on your own free-will, so they expect you to do great on it</p>

<p>yeah...ic what you meant...but how about my writing test? I sucked in grammar, but i will take it again in Nov, and aim for at least 650, would the previous one hurt me?
And you say colleges are expecting a perfect 800 on a SAT II, since we can take whatever we want, but the writing test is the requirement for every top school? What should I do?</p>

<p>its its a requirement, they are probably asking for about a 750. I am not sure about TOFEL, because I have not dealt with at in the past :( but taking it will most likely help you out. The previous score may or may not hurt you, alot of universities take the top score, but alot of the top schools take a combined score average.</p>

<p>^ no they don't...unless you take the SAT for four or more times.</p>

<p>I've never heard any school say it would take an average of scores...I believe they used to do this at some schools, but as far as I know, no matter how many times you take it, they always take your highest math and your highest verbal.</p>

<p>I don't mean to discourage you, but your chances at Harvard are slim. DON'T use the whole immigrant think to garner sympathy- there are people who have had to overcome actual adversity. Also, ou have been in this country for a while- I assume you have had time to catch up. Also, I feel that your verbal scores are too low- a basic command on the english language is a must for the top schools. Also, I feel that you are not a school/community leader. Perhaps the schools that others have mentioned with more business majors are better suited. Good luck!</p>

<p>Usually a school will take the top score, but if it is taken multiple times, the other scores will be taken for consideration. As Harvard puts it "it is generally our experience that taking tests more than twice offers diminishing returns. "</p>

<p>i agree with should def. try to raise your writing scores and verbal scores, though i'm not sure if you have time. and on essays, don't focus on being an immigrant b/c there are thousands upon thousands of asian students just like you who immigrated here from asia and have adapted. : /...i'm not sure if you should take the TOEFL b/c it's usually harder than the writing satiis from what i have heard :(..gluck!!</p>

<p>Thanks for all advices, I am really ahimsa said that I am not really a leader type of person, I have no objection about that. I am more lean toward the independent-like person, don't like others to get into my way, but great team player on the basketbal court though. hahaha... </p>

<p>Forget about the Harvard, since I am applying there just want to see how I would do (you know, just go take a chance). It's not really on the top of my list.</p>

<p>Please rate my chance of getting into MIT, UPENN, Cornell, Columbia, Rice and UC-berkely, and if possible also recommand some more schools for me, I'll appreciated man, peace...hehehe</p>

<p>JZL, do not worry. You are fine. Your SAT I is excellent and needs no improvement. Your SAT IIs are good too. If you want a serious shot at MIT and Stanford, you should retake your SAT II writing test and aim for at least a 650, preferably a 700. </p>

<p>But otherwise, you are a very solid candidate.</p>

<p>God. Being ASIAN sucks. We get screwed over in admissions. I find it unfair that we get treated this way in admissions when statistically speaking we're the most underrepresented minority in America, at a mere 3.6% of the population. It should be based on merits - if Asians do better than another person, both academically and nonacademically, why not admit that person? Is it not fair to pick the more qualified candidate? Further, don't say that being an immigrant is not actual adversity. You're wrong. You think having to come to America with virtually nothing is not adversity? You don't think having both parents work their asses off and still making under 30,000 is not adversity? You don't think that leaving behind most of your loved ones is not adversity? I don't know about you, but is has been incredibly difficult for me to overcome all these challenges. However, unlike "unrepresented minorities", these situations are suddenly not "adversity" for Asians. Asians are tenacious people; we don't let adversity take us down (not that I'm saying we're better than other races). My family still makes under 30,000, but yet, my parents still managed to help my sister graduate from college and obtain her freaken masters. So just because I'm Asian and so many other Asians do so well, my 1480 means nothing (at least admissions wise)? Our adversity is suddenly not so adverse anymore? Where is the justice in this?</p>

<p>Two words: Affirmative Action.</p>

<p>can someone explain to me what is affirmative action?</p>

<p>Affirmative Action = NO ASIAN KIDS GETTING IN. Sorry, man. (Just kidding, relax!) And if you have time, I suggest you learn the piano and win a few international competitikns- you really need this to even go to community colege.</p>

<p>Affirmative Action helps everyone accept causcasians and asians (generally). It's controversy mostly in California and gives under-represented minorities a little boost in admissions and job employment.</p>

<p>As for krazykamikaze, Asians do get a pretty good percentage into good schools as compared to their population in the US. With only 3.6% of the population as Asians, as you said, Stanford and MIT has close to a quarter asians, which is really good :)</p>

<p>Plus it rocks to be Asian, who else gets fried rice and seafood in the same meal :P</p>

<p>Not me, I'm from Southeast Asia...I get rice and..curry?</p>

<p>"Plus it rocks to be Asian, who else gets fried rice and seafood in the same meal :P"</p>

<p>actually the people came from southern parts of China who like my family have diet mostly on seafood and plain rice. Fried rice is not that often.</p>

<p>Thanks for the defination of affirmative action, and I now understand that it's not for many asians in the great school, so many competition...but i am proud to be an asian.</p>

<p>'re so serious about the food info :P</p>

<p> proud!</p>