<p>Hi guys.</p>
<p>I was thinking about writing a college essay that dealt with challenges. Or rather, the lack of challenges in my life.</p>
<p>I was planning to conclude with something along the lines of "my life was handed to me on a silver platter ... I never faced any monumental challenges academically, socially, or otherwise ... and this is why I am applying to Yale - I wish to challenge myself at one of the world's most prestigious institution." </p>
<p>What do you think ... lol :)?</p>
<p>Still looking for input :).</p>
<p>I think you should go for it! The only way you’re going to find out if it works or not is by writing it. :)</p>
<p>hahahaha lack of answers to a sliiiightly awkward post but i’d ok you if i were Ms. Yale Admissions
does that make you happy? probably not</p>
<p>I don’t think it is a good idea. Admissions want to see that you did challenge yourself. They want students who have gone out and found challenges whether through academics, sports or community problems.</p>
<p>No, personally I don’t think that sounds impressive at all. To me that just gives off the vibe of a spoiled kid becoming bored and wanting MOAR TO PLAY WIF! </p>
<p>That said… if you actually have something meaningful to write about, you can give it a go and see how it turns out.</p>
<p>Win :D!!! </p>
<p>Anyway, I decided to expand on my original idea. Here’s a general outline. All comments are welcome :). </p>
<p>1) Challenges (Topic of essay)</p>
<p>2) I am motivated by challenges. I’m the kind of person that grows by overcoming personal challenges. (Introduction) </p>
<p>3) Anecdote: how I faced a challenge and over came it, becoming a better person. This will be the main part of my essay. The challenge is about self-confidence. But through continual self-improvement, I managed to overcome it. </p>
<p>4) Again, I’m the person that can take a challenge in the first place. And through continual self-growth, I can overcome a challenge, whether it be social, academic, etc. I’m assiduous and self-motivated.</p>
<p>5) "A"s were a dime a dozen for me in school. There was no challenge. But now I wish to challenge myself academically - by applying to Yale - the most prestigious school in the Northeast US. I know I can overcome an academic challenge just as I overcame my self-confidence challenge :).</p>