An Upbeat poem to alleviate stress! Enjoy

<p>The little voices ate her brain</p>

<pre><code> She won't be coming in today

        Her eyes are glass, her hand insane

        Her mind is filled with damp decay 


<p>Happy ghosts from days of yore </p>

<p>Watch as her lips fill up with goo</p>

<p>She won't be here to smile anymore</p>

<p>Or sing a song to make us blue</p>

<pre><code> Instead she hums a slinky tune

        It really rocks the sockets dry

        She won't be coming in today

        Though you may see her, by and by


<p>The puppet-man from puppet-land </p>

<p>Is twisting twine around his fist</p>

<p>He grounds the spine to bits of sand</p>

<p>He's here to break the wooden wrist </p>

<pre><code> She won't be coming in today

        Playtime's over; Lights are out

        Darkness settles like a lover

        Touching places all about 


<p>She won't be coming in today.</p>

<p>The children weep and then forget</p>

<p>Dust will kill, and paint will fade</p>

<p>And childhood dreams will find regret</p>

<pre><code> In some forgotten twisty corner

        In some grimy, shackled room

        Something creeps upon her shoulder

        Around her ear and in the gloom 


<p>She won't be coming in today</p>

<p>Or ever again, if truth be told </p>

<p>Her joints have broken, her muscles failed,</p>

<p>Her shadow's lengthened and grown cold.</p>

<p>Oh boy, I feel a whole lot happier now! :smiley: <<<See the smiley face? That means I’m happy.</p>


<p>this was…surreal</p>

<p>i like the bit about ‘children weep and then forget’</p>

<p>omg that’s really depressing</p>

<p>…but dude, you should totally put that to music.</p>