Analyze my score, por favor

<p>Reading 30
English 30
Math 26</p>

<h2>Sci 24</h2>

<p>Comp 28</p>

<p>I realize that math/sci are really bad, but do you think colleges will look at my scores and think 'math and science are horrible, so reject her' or 'the composite isn't THAT bad' ?</p>

<p>The low scores are going to hurt, but they show that you’re more english-oriented. There are many kids students that imbalance that do just fine in college admissions. I think, however, that you should retake it to improve your scores. Are you a junior?</p>

<p>^Thank you!</p>

<p>I WISH i was a junior. Nope, I’m a senior who can’t take the ACT again. Superscored, my SAT is 2020, but not all of my schools superscore so I also have an SAT of 1960 weighing me down. </p>

<p>Anyone else, feel free to tell me what you think!!</p>

<p>It really isn’t that bad. I mean, most schools (and I mean selective ones) have a 28 as the average. I wouldn’t worry.</p>

<p>^ Thanks, Emp! That helps.</p>

<p>Yea I forgot to ask you what schools you’re aiming for. Your score would fall within the range of scores for most schools other than the top 20 or so.</p>

<p>Um, do colleges even see individual scores? On collegeboard, it only shows the range of the composite, while they show the specific sections for the SAT.</p>

<p>Most colleges only care about the composite.
Edit: But yes, they can see the whole thing.</p>

<p>Hawk: the only school I’m applying to in the top 20 is Duke, but I’m really not expecting to get in AT ALL. Otherwise the next highest schools are 23,25,and 32 (U.Va, UCLA, W&M) and then a few schools below those.</p>

<p>Yea, you should be ok with your score then. Keep in mind, however, that the average for Duke and maybe even the other 3 is higher than a 28. Your score falls in the range, though.</p>

<p>I visited both William and Mary and UVA and a bunch of other schools. My point is, ALL of the ad coms I met in the info sessions stated that they pretty much only care about the composite. So yeah, they care way more about the composite.</p>

<p>Thanks, hawk & emp! Duke’s is a 31 I think, W & M is 30, UVA is a 28 and UCLA is a 29.</p>

<p>Same problem: I have a 31 composite but only a 25 science and 27 math.
My ideal college is vanderbilt and I’m aiming for the medical profession. I’m excellent in my AP science and math classes in school, but I’m terrible at the ACT. ( I’ve got a 36 english and 34 reading.) I’m a junior. Any advice?</p>

<p>^ you have no problem whatsoever. you have the rest of your junior year plus the beginning of your senior year to improve your math and science. does vanderbilt superscore ACT?</p>

<p>Thanks! That makes me feel better. I’m not actually sure. I will get back to you on that.</p>