OU asks for two letters of recommendation but will accept up to three. Does the three include the GC’s recommendation or is the separate? D has asked two teachers who know her very well and one community leader that is familiar with her community service. She had a meeting with the GC last week and was left with the impression that the GC’s recommendation was required and didn’t count in that three. I really want to include the reference about community service because it might lead to extra scholarships so if the GC’s rec does count she’ll have to pick one of the teachers.
I don’t remenber if the instructions last year were clear either way on that. Might be worth her calling/emailing admissions to verify?
From what I can remember GCs submit a school report that it required by OU. They can include a recommendation with the school report but it does not count in the three letters of recommendation (optional last year).
I wouldn’t worry about it. Unless she has borderline grades, she will be fine. I don’t think S1 ever actually completed the whole application process. With NMF, they are basically in.
The concern is the she wants the rec form outside school that will highlight her leadership and community service for the supplemental scholarship (in addition to NM). One teacher she previously asked is just swamped. She is department head and another science AP teacher was just diagnosed with cancer over the summer so she is basically teaching all her classes and over seeing subs for the other teacher’s classes. D it going to approach her and if she has not already written the rec tell her not to worry since she has so much on her plate. If she has has already written it I think D can pick which recs are sent. I just hope this will be clear when she actually sends in her app. The goal is to get it submitted by 9/10.
Anyone here have any luck getting additional OU scholarships, in addition to NM for freshmen year?