Another campus-wide email

<p>This was sent out an hour or so ago:</p>

<p>"Last night, an unknown individual or individuals chalked words on our campus that disparaged members of various racial and ethnic groups, including African American and white. Since the words “first amendment” were chalked next to some of the offensive words, we believe that this could have been an attempt to assert First Amendment rights. The words were removed as soon as they were discovered. UA is investigating and will take appropriate action against the individual(s) responsible. </p>

<p>We support First Amendment rights. However, we find the use of these words to be mean-spirited and unacceptable. As members of the UA community, the majority of our faculty, staff and students reject the notion that this type of behavior reflects our collective experience. As a community, we respect and value each member of the UA family, and I trust that we will make decisions that reinforce and reflect that commitment."</p>

<p>Mark D. Nelson
Vice President for Student Affairs
and Vice Provost</p>

<p>Sure, that the University is taking the ongoing conflict over race seriously is, obviously, a good thing, but this email feels much like
A. damage control, and
B. weakly-written, politically correct language (esp. the last paragraph)
Simply, responses like Witt’s email and this one won’t accomplish much besides further dividing the university into factions and helping those who made racist remarks/chalkings justify themselves in their own minds.</p>

<p>What is the racial diversity like at Bama?</p>

<p>IMHO UA is as diverse as any other major state university with the possible exception of some California schools. And it’s head and shoulders more diverse than API.</p>

<p>Where UA gets a black mark is the voluntary segregation within the greek system. However both black & white greeks fought to keep it that way back in the early 90’s when Roger Sayers and his group of nitwits tried to force change. Alabama’s greek system isn’t the only southern school like that either. The entire SEC is the same way with the exception of Florida I believe.</p>

<p>You’ll have your share of racists and bigots on campus just as you will at EVERY other college in the country. It just tends to get magnified when it pertains to UA because of past history that some people will never let us get over.</p>

<p>1% American Indian/Alaskan Native
1% Asian/Pacific Islander
11% Black/Non-Hispanic
3% Hispanic
83% White/Non-Hispanic
1% Non-Resident Alien</p>

<p>the Hispanic numbers may be a bit higher since some kids who are only 1/4 hispanic, do not identify themselves as such (like one on my neighbors).</p>