ANOTHER schedule help... pleeeeasee. :DDDd

<p>ok so i'm signing up for my fall classes and since I'm taking chem14a during the winter, I'm stuck with 2 GE's (I think for one I'm doing Arts and archit + math3a. what teacher is good for math 3a (popa, dai or weinstein) and what other GE should i take?</p>

<p>[still unsure about major, but thinking anthro not sure]</p>

<p>thank youuuu.</p>

<p>i mostly don't know which math teacher :(</p>

<p>bruinwalk didn't have shioux dai.</p>

<p>i don't know why people avoid lavelle, he was very straightforward when i took him.</p>

<p>I heard popa is good for math.</p>

<p>on the bruinwalk website, is it shibin dai or shioux. i'm confused.. in the study help place. ugh. lame.</p>