take lavelle for 14b winter or wait for scherri?

<p>whos the better teacher? whos class is it easier to get an A in?
also who is the best teacher for math 3b?</p>

<p>anyone know?</p>

<p>scerri and scerri.
there's only popa and pradva-strarov for 08W. rave reviews for popa (bruinwalk</a>) but he's at EIGHT A.M.! personally, i'm taking my chances with pradva, though by the time my enrollment time comes around, i doubt i'll have a choice T^T</p>

<p>scerri is hot</p>

<p>and hibiscuspink - time isnt' as important as an easy teacher. trust me.</p>

<p>yes, ma'am. <em>hangs head low in shame and humility</em></p>

<p>lavelle is not a bad professor. i would suggest taking it in the winter and sticking with the sequence. the sooner you're done with chem the better.</p>

<p>btw, ive heard they are both equally as hard to get an A in.</p>

<p>Does anyone have information about Popa? Is he worth getting up for?</p>

<p>I'm also trying to decide between Pravda and Popa.</p>

<p>Popa has glowing reviews, whereas Pravda is a complete unknown. I don't really have anything against getting up for an 8am class, but 9am would definitely be a bit nicer.</p>