<p>Which two out of the four classes, one from each comparison, would be better to take (based on how potentially interesting the class is)?</p>
<p>-Anthropology 2ac or Asian American Studies 20a
-Physics c10 or Astronomy c10</p>
<p>Which two out of the four classes, one from each comparison, would be better to take (based on how potentially interesting the class is)?</p>
<p>-Anthropology 2ac or Asian American Studies 20a
-Physics c10 or Astronomy c10</p>
<p>If Astro C10 is taught be Filippenko, it will be great.</p>
<p>Anthro 2AC because Lightfoot is great.
Astro C10 because Filippenko is great.</p>
<p>thanks rider730 and jbtheeunknown. i’ve definitely heard good things about filippenko and lightfoot. but, for anthro 2ac, i’ve also heard the subject is boring. does lightfoot being a good professor outweigh the boring material?</p>
<p>i decided recently to change asian american studies 20a to geography 70ac. any input on this new comparison would be much appreciated :)</p>
<p>i havent taken any of these but asian am studies (in the fall). it is EASY. seriously, the easiest A i ever got. just did a term paper and 2 assignments that took an hour each. never did the reading, occasionally went to lecture. just studied a bit before the final, and spent a week on my term paper. so if u are lookng for the easy A, go w/ this class.</p>
<p>thank you gilmorelove4life. an easy A is nice but would you say it is interesting? i want to enjoy taking the class in addition to doing well.</p>