anthro3ac vs. anthro2ac

<p>im taking anthro3ac but most people here talking about anthro2ac.</p>

<p>what are the pros and cons? is 3ac harder or is the teacher just bad?</p>

<p>do they fulfill the same requirements? etc.</p>

<p>My roommate took 3AC. If I recall correctly, I think he found it very boring.
If you want an anthropology AC, I would go with 2AC or IB 35AC (a physical anthropology course)</p>

<p>*Note: I am biased against social anthropologists because of what they did to what was once the world's best anthropology department.</p>

<p>Just a bit curious, but what did they do to the anthropology department? Also isn't Anthro 2AC full with a waitlist of 64.</p>

<p>There was one point when they were down to one physical anthropologist (Tim White) and they refused to hire more. Too much emphasis was placed on social anthropology and physical anthropology was getting marginalized. Prof. White got fed up joined the newly forming IB department. Prof Emeritus Clark Howell joined him in IB and hence physical anthropology was moved over into IB.</p>

<p>See The</a> Daily Californian - Department Faces Extinction</p>

<p>Apparently, in the recent years anthro has been trying to revive their physical anthropology subdept.</p>

<p>I had a physical anthro class at my cc and my teacher was really good friends with Tim White. Apparently Tim White is pretty big time in his field. I totally want to take a class with him but I don't think I could hang.</p>

<p>Edit: He only supervises field studies apparently</p>

<p>Prof. White teaches Human Paleontology (IB C185 / Anthro C100) in even year'd springs (2008, 2010, 2012) and Human Osteology (IB C142 / Anthro C103) in odd year'd springs.</p>

<p>Sweet. Thanks.</p>