Anxiety and a laptop

<p>I feel two ways about leaving for college. I feel excited about getting a job, earning money, meeting new people, changing as a person, making friends, studying abroad, joining clubs, etc. But, I also feel scared, and that fear has really spiked in recent days. I feel scared about leaving my parents, moving in 300 miles away, at UCLA, with total strangers, and of course, drugs, sex, and alcohol, all of which I want to avoid. I tried to go to the UCLA forums to see if anyone else was talking about their feelings, but all of the posts there were about sex, bars, clubs, etc. </p>

<p>Are these feelings of excitement and mind-numbing fear normal? If you're going into college, or are already a college student, are you going through, or did you go through these feelings? How did you combat them, and how long did it take for them to go away? </p>

<p>Also, did you get a laptop/desktop for college as a gift, or did you work for it. Most of my friends got laptops as graduation gifts, but my dad wants me to work for mine. After seeing so much poverty in India, which is where I actually am right now, I would actually feel bad getting one as a gift. However, I shouldn't have to work for something I need for college. I'm thinking about, say, working for half the price and having my dad pay the other half. Does that sound good? What would you suggest?</p>

<p>My parents are buying me a computer, but I don't think it's that abnormal for someone to work for one. You can say "I shouldn't have to work for something I need" but there are students whose parents won't even pay the tuition, who have to work for that, and have loans, etc. But I think you should talk to your parents, splitting the cost sounds like a good idea.</p>

<p>Regarding the anxiety, I think you're not alone. I haven't quite come to grips with my feelings about leaving yet because I still have two months, but I'm sure every person feels nervous/anxious at one point. But most likely, you'll adjust and be perfectly fine, so just rest assured that others share your feelings.</p>

<p>I'm paying half for my laptop. My parents are getting it for me now and when I have enough money, I'll pay them back. This way, I can have the laptop ready for the beginning of the semester and still shoulder some responsibility myself.</p>

<p>As for anxieties, I think everyone shares at least some aspect of your fears. For me, I'm excited about going to college, finding my own niche, making friends, and weirdly enough, even about the academics. But at the same time, I'm scared of all these things too. However, I've been talking to several current undergraduates, and from hearing them rant and rave about the positive experiences they've had, I'm at least a little pacified. And especially at such a large as UCLA...I'm sure you'll find someone who shares your values and interests. So don't worry too much now. I'm sure you'll do fine.</p>

<p>I'm feeling a little bit of anxiety about moving to a new city, leaving my friends, who have become my family, leaving my family, starting out without knowing anyone, and about the academics. I'm also really excited about being in a different environment, making new friends, taking challenging courses, having amazing professors, and living away from home. I've decided to deal with my anxiety mostly by displaying a positive attitude toward the whole thing because I know I'll be fine. Also attending orientation really helped me to feel more secure that I'm going to be able to find people who share my values and sense of fun, even as I move 3000 miles to attend USC. </p>

<p>Regarding a laptop, my parents are going to purchase one for me before the semester begins so that I can use it all throughout school.</p>

<p>My parents didn't buy me anything for college - except a suitcase. I've worked since the day after I turned 14 and have purchased pretty much everything I own by myself - except what I recieved for christmas gifts and whatnot.</p>

<p>I'm buying my own laptop as well.</p>

<p>I bought my own and I feel really great because i respect it and treat it much better than if i had go tit as a gift.</p>

<p>My laptop, printer, wireless mouse, and the laptop bag I still have to decide on were graduation gifts from my dad (well my sister gave me the mouse). My best friend has to buy her own. It really varies around here by family, although it is a very popular graduation gift.
As for anxiety, I thought I couldn't be anymore nervous. Then I got my room assignment and found out I'm in a temporary quad in a lounge that's been converted to dorm room. Talk about anxiety spike. Everyone I talk to says its normal though, and most of my friends are dealing with anxiety mixed with excitement too.</p>

<p>My desktop was bought as a birthday present though it cost about half as much as it should have (I built it myself and carefully waited for the right time so the other half of the cost is my work) and my parents are mostly paying for college (probobly lots of little things too that will pop up as it comes closer).</p>

<p>I am personally eating the cost of the laptop that I am also bringing as well as a new monitor (undecided on which but it will be about 3-400) and speakers (very specific choice here, just havnt bought yet) since there is no way I could fit my stereo in the dorm room.</p>