Anxiety over admission chances

<p>I hate to add to the "Will I get in?" posts, but as of right now, Geneseo is my top choice college, and I'm getting a little worried. </p>

<p>I have posted in the "What are my chances?" forum, and while generally everybody who responded was helpful, nobody answered for Geneseo specifically. </p>

<p>Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Other/Bi-racial
GPA: 3.5-3.7 (with my midyear senior scores being about 3.8-4.0)
State of Residence: New York</p>

<p>Junior Course Load:
Honors U.S History
A.P Physics (probably a mistake to take that class)
A.P English Language and Composition
Spanish IV</p>

<p>Senior Course Load:
AP Art History
AP English Lit
AP Biology
Spanish V
AP Stats</p>

<p>SAT (1) Scores:
CR: 750
M: 640
W: 630</p>

<p>CR+M= 1390</p>

<p>*Sports: *
Varsity Golf (Letter)</p>

International Club (9,10,11,12)
Amnesty Intl (11,12)
National Honor Society (11,12)
Hospital Volunteer (11,12)
Yearbook, Senior Staff member (9,10,11,12)
Foreign Language Immersion (10, 11, 12)
High School Band, Flutist (9, 10, 11)</p>

1 from a math teacher (assumed to be a good one)
1 from an English teacher (the teacher himself said it was excellent)</p>

<p>Intended Major

<p>I also intend to go for an interview, but will that make a difference?</p>

<p>I'd say you have a pretty good chance. I got accepted ED for the class of '11, and you have slightly higher SAT scores and AP classes then me. Being a girl might make it tougher, just because Geneseo has an uneven girl/guy ratio, but your intended major might help because I don't think a lot of people go into phisosophy.</p>

<p>You will have no problem getting into Geneseo. I know a ton of people from my school got in last year with stats much lower than yours (one non-minority, non-athlete with a 1280/1600 and an 88%...I'm not sure what that is on a 4.0 scale).
I wouldn't be worried, you have really strong numbers and plenty of tough classes...your ECs are numerous as well.
Best of luck!!</p>