Any advice on Statics (ESM 2104)?

<p>Hey, I'm going to be taking Statics this summer (cause my co-op doesn't start until next Fall). Anyways, my friends tell Statics is probably one of the hardest classes here at Tech.</p>

<p>Anyone have any advice on how to approach it so that I don't end up like the kids who have to take it 3 times, haha? I'll also be taking Physics 2, so would that course load be bearable or impossible?</p>


<p>Statics isn’t the hardest class; it isn’t nearly as bad as deforms or dynamics.</p>

<p>When you get down to it it’s really just a math class. Applied math, but math. Do ALL of the homework and get in a study group and you should be alright.</p>

<p>Taking that and physics 2 at the same time during a summer session is going to be rough. That class blows.</p>

<p>Ah crap, MSE majors take deforms, and I have that for second session.</p>


<p>Haha I was MSE too. It’s doable. But yes you’ll get to know Newman library quite well.</p>

<p>YES! I got Chang for deforms! I may survive</p>