Should I drop the Physics class...

<p>Hey, so physics professors showed up today, and Chang is not available. I got Robinson- who is apparantly incompetent. Anyways, I'm seriously considering dropping physics and taking it in the Spring. Instead, I'll take Biology.</p>

<p>Does this sound like a good plan, or should I just tough-it-out with physics?</p>


<p>please help me with this…classes start in about a week and I need to make a decision. </p>

<p>Double BUUUUUUMP!</p>

<p>Is Chang teaching any 2305 classes? I am understanding “Chang is not available” as his class is full. If he isn’t teaching, see if you can get Joyce. Wait until about the 2nd or 3rd day of class and if a spot in his class hasn’t opened, I would drop it.</p>

<p>Neither Chang nor Joyce is teaching 2305 this fall. The professors are Link, Robinson, and Piilonen. I have Link. He has never taught 2305 but he has taught 2306, and I haven’t heard too many good things about him, but apparently there are worse professors. I’m just going to tough it out.</p>

<p>There’s still a couple spots for lectures where it says “staff.” Perhaps Chang might teach those blocks, but I doubt it.</p>

<p>I went ahead and dropped physics. Chang nor Joyce will be teaching 2305. Chang is teaching Statics and Mech of Deformable bodies, and joyce is teaching a ton of 2306 classes</p>

<p>I heard Robinson is very hard. You are better off with someone else or get chang later on.</p>

<p>Look at it like this: You can either take a horrible teacher for Physics now… or you can take it with all the engineering friends you will make in ENGE 1024. Once you realize how involved Physics 2305 is, you will be relieved to work on your assignments in groups. I did all of the work on my own and I wish I had had friends to team up with to do the homework.</p>

<p>I was a first year engineering student last year and had Chang for PHYS 2305 and Piilonen for PHYS 2306. I liked Piilonen in 2306. He was a fairly nice professor who was competent and spoke english. He also exempted me from his final because I had a high enough grade. I don’t know how he would be in 2305 but based on my experience in 2306 I would definately reccommend him.</p>