any chance of gettin in?

<p>chose bio as major, and possible pre-med</p>

Gpa- 3.39uw, 3.45w
SAT(new): 1090 (550V, 540M, 520CR)
SATII- French 580, Math1-640, Bio-720
Black (somalian), male, lived in US for 10 yrs now.
Rank: 54-365, 14%
State- virginia
Full IB diploma student, with 13 IB classes, and 12 honors. </p>

Honor Roll (9-11)
VA State Parks (Youth Conservation corps) Certificate of Appreciation
National Youth Leadership Forum (Medecine) full Scholarship, Certificate of Achievement
National Youth Leadership Conference, nominee, full Scholarship, attending spring 06</p>

Activities Position Hrs/wk
American Redcross Club Secretary, publicist 11-12 2/15
French Honor Society member 10-12 2/21
Volunteer-Charity Store Staff member 11-12 50hrs
Varsity-Junior Math team member 9-12 1/36
Religious Studies- student 9-11 4/120
Track, Tennis player/member 9,11 >100hrs
CAS (Creative, Service, Action)hrs 11-12 >150hrs total
and other crap i dont feel like mentioning..</p>

<p>essays- readers had strong positive comments, so pretty good
recommendations- pretty solid</p>

<p>what are my chances of being accepted?</p>

<p>Well, you're extra-curriculars and ethnicity certainly help. Alot. The test scores and GPA are a little low, but not in the "No Chance" range. Taking IB and honors helps, and being in-state won't hurt. If you have any intrest in going it is certainly worth the $45 to apply, but make sure you also apply other places. You have a decent chance to get it, but it is not a lock.</p>

<p>thnx for the info/help.</p>

<p>You have an excellent chance of getting in, especially if you're not applying to the engineering school. Even without the urm "boost" I'd say that you're an extremely solid applicant with an excellent chance of getting in. Your numbers are on par with those of the overall pool of accepted students.</p>

<p>Oh, didn't see that you weren't going Engineering. Your numbers look alot better now. Still, VERY few people are locks, so I'd apply to more than just VT. Are you required to give an essay/recommendations just for admission? I didn't, but I applied ED, so it might be different.</p>

<p>i gave an essay even tho it was optional, but i didnt give an extra recommendation, which the gc advised that i didnt really need to other then the one he gave., thnx for ur help guys, appreciate it much. yea i've applied to plenty of skools.</p>

<p>your sat is low, but some of my white friends got in with scores like that. your ec's will h elp you, but still no guarantee.</p>

<p>maden, they've probably already printed your acceptance letter ;) .</p>