Any clever ideas for a Latin t-shirt?

<p>** Quiquid latine dictum sit altum viditur **
"Whatever is said in Latin sounds profound"</p>

What does Lorem Ipsum mean...I'm only going into Latin 2 H next year.


<p>I'm pretty sure it's used by webdesigners because it represents all the 26 letters in the alphabets, like "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog", but I'm not entirely sure.</p>

<p>To veer back to topic, how about: Sit vis vobiscum - May the Force be with you. Teehee.</p>

<p>Lorum Ipsum is much longer than 26 letters. And it was and is used by printers for more than a hundred years before it was ever used by web designers. It's just a standardized block of text, half Latin and half nonsense, that is used to fill in an area where text will appear in the final product in order to show what it will look like - to experiment with fonts and such.</p>

<p>For a Latin Club, stick to the Masters</p>

<p>Rident stolidi verba Latina - Fools laugh at the Latin language. (Ovid)</p>

<p>Non scholae sed vitae discimus - We do not learn for school, but for life. (Seneca)</p>

<p>I can't get non satis scire</p>

<p>(don't translate the half latin part, just read it outloud, it should sound sort of familar)</p>

<p>Or, the best phrase i've ever seen in a latin book</p>

<p>bonus est magnus gladius
(a big sword is good)</p>

<p>oh, or you could do something cliche like</p>

<p>fit via vi
(violence makes a way)</p>

<p>Ha, got to love the double meaning of "gladius".</p>

<p>Part of the charm of "semper ubi sub ubi" is that it's horrible Latin :).</p>

<p>I didn't get the "gladius" double meaning thing..please explain</p>

<p>My latin obviously isn't in tip top shape during the summer...I think I forgot about everything...major cram study time!! ><</p>

<p>draco dormiens nunquam titillandus</p>

<p>let's conjugate!</p>

<p>ilovemath, I LOVE HARRY POTTER.</p>

<p>In Latin we learned "bling bling" (debeo debeo or something like that) and "word to your mother."</p>

<p>We are ab asino lanam - an asino lanam meaning "wool from a donkey, blood from a stone." Simply means impossible.</p>

<p>Abutebaris modo subjunctivo denuo - You've been misusing the subjunctive again.</p>

<p>This site is nifty: <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Too bad I lost most of my interest in Latin after my terrible 3rd year fiasco (after being taught Latin 2 by a computer).</p>

<p>My latin teacher would never give consent to such an idea (being taught latin by a computer), especially considering the rigor of his classes.</p>

<p>see if your library has any of these books (or just browse them at a bookstore and write down your favorites):</p>

<p>Latin for All Occasions by Henry Beard
X-treme Latin by Henry Beard
Which Way to the Vomitorium: Vernacular Latin for All Occasions by Lesley O'Mara
Latin for Even More Occasions by Henry Beard
Veni, Vidi, Vici : Conquer Your Enemies, Impress Your Friends with Everyday Latin by Eugene H. Ehrlich
Amo, Amas, Amat & More by Eugene H. Ehrlich</p>

<p>Gladius has two meanings- sword and *****. </p>

<p>Can you guess the Latin word for sheath?</p>

<p>I want to take Latin! I'm jealous of everyone's Latin proficiency. </p>

<p>Elizabeth, I know what you're alluding to! The Latin word for sheath is vagina. Yeah, I learned that in 8th grade when I was finding the etymology of vanilla. Vanilla actually comes from the Latin word vagina, apparently because the shape of the seed pods resemble that of a female's genitalia. Vagina = sheath in Latin. You're very crude, Elizabeth.</p>

<p>Certe, Toto, sentio nos in Kansate non iam adesse.
Me transmitte sursum, Caledoni!
Potes currere sed te occulere non potes.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Frena pro feris teneo- I brake for animals
Sona si latine loqueris- Honk if you speak Latin
Fac ut gaudeam- Make my day
Certe, Toto, sentio nos in Kansate non iam adesse- You know, Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.
Radicus comes- Really rad, dude
Quid fit- What's happening
Denarius hic sistit- The buck stops here
Nulla mensa sine impensa- There is no free lunch</p>

<p>gladius doesnt ACTUALLY mean *****, it's just that when you talk about big swords...</p>

<p>sheath is vagina, vaginae f. isnt it?</p>

<p>lets conjugate vagina :) nom. vagina; vaginae
gen. vaginae; vaginaram
dat. vaginae; vaginis
acc. vaginam; vaginas
abl. vagina..long a; vaginis
voc. vagina; vaginae
wow wasn't that fun!</p>

<p>gen pl is arum, not aram.</p>