<p>I asked Ethan Stephenson, Assistant House Dean of Keeton, what the situation was on West with AT&T and Verizon:</p>
<p>I can tell you what I've been told although it may not be enough information for you to make a truly informed decision. I was told that both AT&T and Verizon have committed to building additional towers around Cornell in order to improve cell phone reception. I do not know if either have yet fulfilled their commitments. Having said that, I have been told that both carriers currently have spotty reception within the buildings of West Campus. My sense (and it is only that) is that Verizon might be the best bet for reception both within West Campus buildings and around Cornell and Ithaca. You may wish to try to contact IT services or even type in cell phone coverage in the Cornell search. That may lead you to someone who is more familiar with this issue.</p>
<p>For me, I would get absolutely no reception in the AG quad. Especially in Warren Hall and Mann Library. </p>
<p>Mann Library was absolutely horrible with AT&T. My friends who had Verizon would get great service with AT&T.</p>
<p>But I guess AT&T could be adequate. It depends where you spend most of your time. It did seem to work better on the Arts Quad. So if you are a student in CAS and live in Bethe, I guess AT&T would be adequate.</p>
<p>But if you are in CALS and live in Cook or Becker, than AT&T is your worse bet. :p</p>
<p>Verizon's the best on campus but AT&T is alright. Coverage sucks sometimes but on central and collegetown coverage is pretty good. It sucks on North.</p>