Any experience with Living Learning Communities?

<p>I was accepted into Da Vinci and the Residential College at West AJ, and I was looking for some advice on which to choose.</p>

<p>I like Da Vinci because I would be with people that have similar interests, but I'm a little unsure of the whole mentoring thing and I know Lee is inconveniently located.</p>

<p>From what I've heard, West AJ is in a good location, but again, I really don't know that much about what it's really like and what the commitments would be.</p>

<p>Does anyone have anything to share?</p>

<p>Lee is one of the most active buildings at VT and you really can’t go wrong there.</p>

<p>WAJ is one of the most expensive buildings to live in and the rooms are fairly small compared to Lee due to the giant air conditioning thing we have next to the sink. WAJ as a building might be nicer, but Lee has a better sense of community overall.</p>

<p>my daughter got accepted into Da Vinci as well and is going to accept it. we have heard nothing but positive things</p>

<p>I wouldn’t say that Lee is inconveniently located. It’s not further from classes than WAJ. While WAJ is steps from West End and Dietrick dining; Lee is steps from Owens dining.</p>