Galileo/Hypatia/Lee Hall

<p>As some of you begin to consider joining one of the Living Learning Communities (LLC) in Lee Hall, please feel free to use this thread to post questions and I will try to check on it and answer.</p>

<p>A bit about me: I am currently a second year Hypatian living in Lee and I am planning on staying next year as a mentor. I am also a TA for some of the Intro Engineering course if you have any questions in regards to that.</p>

<p>Hello! I was accepted yesterday as a Biosciences major (Fall Visitation) on a pre-med track. One of the admissions representatives mentioned the Da Vinci housing, and I’ve looked into it, but I still have a few questions.

  1. What exactly are the dorms like? Do they have nicer amenities and such?
  2. What goes on in the LLC’s? (activities, study groups, etc?)
  3. What has been the best thing about the LLC’s for you?</p>

<p>Sorry if my questions are kind of general…I really haven’t gotten a sense of what the program is like from the brochures… that might just be me though…
Thanks in advance!</p>

<p>No your questions are great!</p>

<p>1) Lee Hall does not have the nicest amenities, I will be honest. Most our lounges lack TVs and the furniture has seen better days. But we do have two studios. Studio 1, is your run of the mill workshop with saws, drills, hammers, laser cutter, two 3D printers. Studio 2, is like a small classroom where members of the community offer help sessions or you can use it for projects. </p>

<p>2) As far as Curvinci (Curie and Da Vinci) goes, I am not 100% sure what specific activities you have. I know there is a dorm wide dance twice a year, events in the studio with various companies and recruiters, professors hold lectures on Fridays and you get a slushie if you go. Things like that. </p>

<p>3) The best thing for me… is the ability to open my door walk five feet to my peers rooms and get help. They are in (for the most part) same classes and can help me with studying and homework. I have also been able to see what works and doesn’t work by being near people who are upperclassmen who went through the same things I did. They provide recommendations on what teachers are good, what times to avoid classes, and can help with homework as well. You will make friends no matter what dorm you live in, but having friends who understand exactly what you are going through and can help you along the way makes the friendship even stronger.</p>

<p>Any other questions that you have I would be more than happy to try and answer. </p>