<p>^^ Then it’s too early to ask for chances. All chance threads are speculative, but without an ACT/SAT score, it’s asking folks to take a blind shot in the dark.</p>
<p>If you’re into art history or classical studies, do something outside of school that relates to it. One thing that stands out for you and your intended major is “founder and president of art history club”. This means that you’ve taken a leadership position and created this club in order to follow your passion and inspire other students at your school to join this club, even if you’ve not literally thought about doing that, that’s how it would look to me and certainly for other people, including the admissions’ committee. Have you done anything else that relates to that?</p>
<p>You can’t “drop” your SAT II score for Yale. Yale requires all scores that you’ve ever received. You only might be able to withhold all SAT IIs if you submit the ACT to Yale instead (I’m not sure though, so double check on that).</p>
<p>Just try to score higher on other ones to make up for the 700!</p>
<p>^Yes, you don’t have to send Subject test scores if you send the ACT. However, if you want to send both your ACT and main SAT scores, then you need to send all Subject test scores as well.</p>
<p>That said, I agree, you can’t ‘drop’ a score, but you can do better on two other Subject tests and Y will look at them.</p>
<p>Fintork, good to know! In addition to founding that club, I’m taking some college art history courses and applying for an internship to work at an art history museum in NY, the Met. </p>
<p>Marita and entomom, UH OH. I’ll just have to do really well on the next two…</p>