Any idea??

<p>Hi everyone, I go to a rather small but competitive public high school in my state (top 5). I have rather good stats, except my grades (the most important unfort...) I have found out that I gotten into my safety school just yesterday, so I was able to cross of a lot of my safety schools that I was planning on apply RD. So I am currently working on my college list of RD. So please chance me with the following list of schools? Thanks!</p>

Wash U in St Louis
Notre Dame
Carnegie Mellon
NYU - Stern
Boston University (Legacy)

<p>GPA: 3.196
Weighted GPA: 3.834
No Rank, I know I am def. top 25%, if not top 15%
I have taken the hardest courses my school offers.</p>

<p>Test Scores:
Highest for SAT:
1390 or 2050
CR - 610
M - 780
W - 660</p>

Total - 31
Reading - 32
Math - 36
Writing - 30
Science - 27</p>

Math IIC - 800
Chinese - 780
US history - 700</p>

Calculus BC - 5
Statistics - 4
US History - 4</p>

<p>I also took the TOFEL cause my counsler recommended me to
TOFEL - 115</p>

<p>My extracurriculars are pretty good in that I have leadership roles and awards. I'll just list the important ones:
-Executive Officer of my school's Business & Investment Club
-Founder and president of my school's Debate Club
-three sports: Volleyball, Lacrosse, and Ski (JV for all) for all years except junior yea
-several hundred 500+ hours of community service: teaching Chinese, fund raisers, etc.
-went to China every summer to teach english to chinese students
-particiapted in academic decathalon. (won several awards for district and state competition)
-math team
-principal flute for all the bands in my school
-principal flutist for local district band
-first flute for New England's Conservatory's Renaissance and Baroque Band
... (I have other activites that are as time consuming)</p>

<p>Any comments will be appreciated. Thanks!</p>

<p>Vanderbilt- i would say low reach because of the gpa, your ACT is great for this though
Barnard- low reach
Cornell- low reach
Wash U in St Louis- reach
Emory- reach
Notre Dame- reach
Fordham- match
Carnegie Mellon- match
Northwestern- reach
Wellseley- sorry ive never heard of it
NYU - Stern- high match/low reach
Boston University (Legacy)- match if not safety
Lehigh- high match
Brandeis- high match</p>

<p>i think the only thing that’s keeping you from making all of these schools matches is the GPA</p>

<p>your SAT, ACT, AP, and SAT II scores are fantastic, but i think that some colleges might become more selective GPA wise, you still have a great shot!</p>

<p>good luck :)</p>

<p>Vanderbilt: Im gonna say match cuz i assume you are not white lol + your act scores r good for the school
Barnard:I dont know enough about to say anything
Cornell: Low Reach
Wash U: Reach
Emory: Low Reach
Notre Dame: Low Reach, High Match if you aren’t white
Carnegie mellon:Match
NYU:Low reach
BU: Match
Lehigh: Match
As yankees said earlier, GPA is a lil low but everything else looks really really good</p>

<p>Wellesley (I only know LACs, sorry): Match/reach.
Probably want to spell it right though ;)</p>

<p>What is your ethnicity, if you don’t mind posting? (Thought it might be relevant since you were asked to take TOEFL).</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Oh, i am female and chinese. But I moved to Boston when I was 3. So technically, I am not really ESL. It’s just some of my schools required the TOEFL if you were to say that english was your second language. thanks for all the comments so far!</p>

<p>sorry but, bump.</p>

<p>also, i will chance you back if you leave a link!</p>

<p>really sorry but bumpp…</p>

<p>bummppp again…</p>

<p>bump bump bump… any comments will be appreciated!!!</p>

<p>bump bump bump.</p>

<p>bump bump bump… please???</p>