<p>Hello, I am incredibly interested in attending Columbia University. I have some time before I even apply, but I am preparing now. I am interested in physics and classical music. I would like to get ideas on some unique extracurricular activities that incorporate these subjects. Besides that, any other tips for applying to Columbia? Thank you to anyone who responds! I am feeling quite overwhelmed:)</p>
<p>I hate physics but love classical music. However, throughout high school, I did several projects that combined both, not for the sake of getting into schools but because I was sincerely interested. If you like both physics and classical music, then look into the topics. Using google is quite useful in this case. Please don’t try and guess what the admissions committees are going to be looking for. Do what you love rather than waste time agonizing about college. The best way not to be original is to ask people how to be.</p>
<p>You should join the Physics/Classical Music frat!</p>
<p>Eh, depends if you want to get involved in Greek Life. If you do, though, Chi Omega Phi (the physics/classical music frat) wouldn’t be a bad choice.</p>
<p>Edit: Oops, that’s a real group. How about Psi Omega Phi?</p>
<p>I was thinking more along the lines of Phi Upsilon Kappa haha</p>
<p>I could not know (or care) less about Greek life at Columbia, so I have no idea what you’re talking about!</p>
<p>haha it was a joke, phi up kap would be ph-u-k.</p>
<p>But yeah, I’m not really planning on pledging either.</p>