Any info on the Woodlands? University Village?

<p>My s is a sophmore and we put in for housing. His friends are moving off campus and today he decided he might be interested in going with them. I am in NY and can’t get there to see the complexes. The Woodlands and University Village is where his friends were thinking. Woodlands looks very nice and furniture is included. ANyone have any other info on off campus? East Edge is full and the Lofts is higher priced for his friends. Any help is welcome. Thanks!</p>

<p>My son and friends signed a lease for a 3BR at the Woodlands for next year. I haven’t seen the complex myself, but S saw it and couldn’t stop talking about it for several days. I know they do have washers and dryers in all the units and a shuttle to campus.</p>

<p>Since S is still 18, the lease had to be written in my name, so I have a copy of it on my computer at work and if you have any specific questions or would like to see a sample of the lease I will have access to it tomorrow (I did notice that it does specifically warn not to do your laundry in your dishwasher :))</p>

<p>You can add on a reasonable monthly amount that covers the utilities up to a capped amount and S was told the only time residents normally go over the cap is in warm months when they are running the AC.</p>

<p>I am planning a trip to town for a visit in a couple weeks and plan to see the complex then and hope I might get the chance to actually look in one of the units.</p>

<p>I guess leases are all 12 months?</p>

<p>At the Woodlands, yes. But even paying for 12 months, the total cost is still less than the super suite dorms and if he decides to renew I won’t have to worry about moving his stuff home next summer.</p>

<p>My DD has also signed a lease for a 2BR at the Woodlands next school year. I did not get to see the place yet, but my DD’s roommate and her mom did exhaustive research and took her around to visit many apt complexes. They all agreed that this one had the best feel overall. It’s fully furnished (including washer and dryer) and has a shuttle that will bring her right to the middle of the campus. FYI…They offer different choices of signing incentives. My DD chose $10 off per month, but I’ve heard of other types of incentives like ipads. </p>

<p>I did see East Edge and would have voted for that since it’s within walking distance to campus, but it’s full. </p>

<p>I’m looking forward to this summer since she wants to learn how to cook! I’ll be happy to let her practice all summer long :)</p>

<p>Woodlands looks great from their website. I’m amazed that each bedroom has a bathroom. If D doesn’t get to stay on campus, I will suggest checking it out.</p>

<p>DD’s boyfriend has lived at the Woodlands the past two years. He has been perfectly happy. Signing incentive for him was an ipad. He has a truck so no need for the shuttle. He was in a 4 bedroom the first year and then a 3 bedroom this year. They run move in like the university…you get a specific move in time on a given day. I don’t remember him having an issue with the time this year but the year before he had a conflict and they wouldn’t budge. That’s the only negative he’s had.</p>

<p>My D lives at The Woodlands and really likes it. She signed again for next year. She does the all-inclusive. They have gone over their utilities a couple of times. The most was $6 per person over. They started running the dishwasher less and I think that helped. Any specific questions, ask away!</p>

<p>How often do the shuttles to campus run, and at what times? In students’ experiences (those without cars), is the distance from campus ever a problem?</p>

<p>Also, how does the leasing work exactly? Does everyone’s lease start at the same time (e.g., Aug 1)? Or can roommates come/go as it is kind of individualised?</p>

<p>at many schools, off campus students <strong>have</strong> to rely on shuttles, as there is no parking reasonably close to where they need to be.</p>

<p>I believe all the leases are for the same term.</p>

<p>The info from our lease says:</p>

<p>Lease Term: 349 Days
Beginning Date: August 16, 2013
Termination Date: July 30, 2014 11:59 AM
Renewal Option Deadline: November 15, 2013</p>

<p>I’m not sure about the shuttle schedule.</p>

<p>So, there are still 2 weeks in there at the tail end of the summer that you need to vacate the property? (so they can clean, inspect, repair, etc., I’m sure)</p>

<p>i wouldn’t expect to have to vacate if you are recontracting! that would be crazy! is that really the case?</p>

<p>You don’t have to move out if you recontract. My daughter lives there this year. Her main complaint is noise and partying. She has trouble sleeping with the noise from the apartment abover her and says partying sometimes is going on right outside her window. We asked for a quiet unit but I’m sure they don’t really know if people in the same unit will be quiet or not. Everything else has been fine. I think they have gone over the utility allowance a few times but not by much (a few dollars). </p>

<p>She and her roommates decided to lease a house next year. They went through a real estate agent to find it. They ended up leasing a brand new house in a quiet neighborhood for less than The Woodlands (although there is no shuttle and they will have to purchase some furniture). They each have their own bedrooms and bathrooms in this new house (it was built specifically for student housing). I’m hoping they stay there for the next 2 years - no more moving. They leased it before Winter break for next school year.</p>