Any low cost summer college programs?

<p>I've been looking into out-side-of-school classes, maybe APs that won't fit into my schedule. But the problem with these academic camps and such is that they're so expensive -_-. Stats and ECs from my school only is pretty lacking, and I'd really like to boost it up.</p>

<p>Any recommendations appreciated.</p>

<p>[Telluride</a> Association: Our Programs: For High School Students](<a href=“]Telluride”>Telluride Association Summer Seminar (TASS) - Telluride Association)</p>

<p>Very selective programs, but they are free apart from transportation (which can be assisted with if you are in financial need, I believe).
I got an invitation to TASP, not knowing how prestigious it was, and applied my junior year – I made it to Round 2, and then didn’t have a strong enough interview. Take time on your essays, and keep in mind that you will have to defend the arguments/premises/stories behind your essays in a rigorous interview later.
But from what I’ve heard, it’s supposed to be a fantastic program and it looks incredibly good on college applications.</p>

<p>oh wow that’s incredibly selective -_-
interviews and essays – my worst</p>

<p>Yeah, it is, but they focus really hard on your essays and interview, which are both in your control. Test scores/GPA are, I believe, much less important.
I’ve heard from here TASP is the most prestigious humanities/social sciences program in the country—and, being a humanities/social sciences person, I wish I had taken TASP a lot more seriously.
If not, look into taking some community college classes, or finding out internships in things you like. That’s what I did last summer after getting rejected from TASP, ha.</p>

<p>Muchas gracias ^^</p>

<p>I’m not sure which states have such programs, or if they’re all at similar to Pennsylvania’s, but a Governor’s School can be a fantastic experience.</p>

<p>GS (in PA) is a five-week residential experience. Schools are offered for a variety of subjects, and each participant is awarded a full scholarship (valued at about 10,000 dollars). They are rather selective: only top students apply and less than 20 percent are admitted.</p>

<p>What state are you from? I recommend checking to see if they offer anything similar.</p>

<p>Not sure if this is what you are looking for but my D went to the U of Nebraska’s All Girl All Math week. I think it cost $150 for the whole week incl. room and board.
There are also some good environ. sci field experiences through the Chesapeake Bay Foundation. I think they were reasonable too.</p>

<p>I’m in New York. So many people…then why can’t I find a darn program -_-</p>

<p>gracias a todo</p>

<p>So you’re from New York? Are you interested in science?</p>

<p>Well for Science, the following programs are free (however rather difficult to get into):
Research Summer or Science Institute: Research based summer program in which students get help from scientists in the boston and cambridge area to do research projects. Held at MIT.
Summer Science Program: I don’t know too much about it aside from the fact that students take rigorous classes and take part in a final project having to do with astronomy.
MITES: Program in which students take rigorous courseload for seven weeks. Also held at MIT. Geared towards underepresented minorities.
WTP: Engineering Summer program open only to highschool females. Once again held at MIT.</p>

<p>I know much less about Humanities and Writing based programs but I hear TASP is good and so is LEDA (although it’s mainly for minority students).</p>

<p>While they offer scholarship, SSP is not free.</p>

<p>I apologize; SSP is indeed not free [SSP</a> - Summer Science Program](<a href=“]SSP”> . Moreover, ttparent’s correction has led me to double check my other program suggestions. I found:
WTP, like SSP, is not free although it offers a scholarship [MIT</a> Women’s Technology Program<a href=“look%20under%20program%20fees”>/url</a>
RSI is free [url=<a href=“]CEE:”>]CEE:</a> Research Science Institute Introduction](<a href=“]MIT”>MIT Women's Technology Program)
and so is MITES [MIT</a> MITES Program](<a href=“MITES – MIT Introduction to Technology, Engineering and Science”>MITES – MIT Introduction to Technology, Engineering and Science)</p>

<p>TASP was previously mentioned as free of charge and so is LEDA [LEDA</a> - Program Components](<a href=“]LEDA”></p>

<p>Here’s a FREE program: </p>

<p>The Princeton University Summer Journalism Program is selective, all-expense paid, and very prestigious. </p>

<p>[Summer</a> Journalism Program: The Princeton University Summer Journalism Program](<a href=“]Summer”>Princeton Summer Journalism Program) </p>

<p>Applications are now available online. </p>

<p>More information: </p>

<p>The Princeton University Summer Journalism Program is an all-expenses-paid summer program for high school student journalists from underresourced financial backgrounds that will take place for 10 days in August on the campus of Princeton University. The program is entering its eighth year; during the past eight years, more than 140 students from high schools across the country have been selected to participate in the program. They were taught by journalists from The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Miami Herald, The New Republic and The New Yorker; they covered Yankees, Mets, Jets and Liberty games and held a press conference with New Jersey’s secretary of state; they met with Princeton University’s president and dean of admissions; they received counseling on their college applications from our staff, which consists of Princeton University alumni and undergraduates; and they published their own newspaper. We hope that you will consider nominating some of your students to participate in this exciting program for aspiring young journalists.</p>

<p>Below is a quick list of instructions and pointers for having your students fill out the applications:</p>

<p>Please feel free to nominate as many students as you have who are interested. We will happily accept several students from the same school, so there is no need to worry about your own students competing for slots in the program.</p>

<p>The application process will take place in two parts this year. For the first part, students should fill out the attached application, and then email it to <a href=""></a> as a Microsoft Word attachment. Before emailing us theapplication, students should name the document using the following format: Lastname.Firstname.doc. So, if the student’s name is Mary Jones, the title of the document will be Jones.Mary.doc. In addition, the student should type his or her name and high school in the body of the email and put only the name of the Word document (e.g., Jones.Mary.doc) in the subject line of the email. We must receive the application by 11:59 p.m. on January 23, 2009. No extensions will be given for any reason.</p>

<p>In the second round of the application process, finalists will be interviewed by the program directors—either in person or over the phone—and they will be asked to provide printed copies of the following items via U.S. mail: an official transcript; the first page of the 2007 income-tax return form (the 1040 or 1040EZ form) of their custodial parent(s)/guardian(s), or a signed statement by their parent(s)/guardian(s) saying that their income is below the level at which they would be required to file income tax returns; a recommendation letter from a teacher; and clips from their high school newspaper or other publication (optional).</p>

<p>To be eligible for the program, students must meet the following qualifications:

  • They must currently be juniors in high school.
  • They must live in the continental United States.
  • They must have at least an unweighted 3.5 grade point average (out of 4.0).
  • They must have an interest in journalism.
  • The combined income of their custodial parent(s)/guardian(s) plus child support payments, if any, must not exceed $45,000.
    Note: This program is for students from under-resourced financial backgrounds. If the combined income of the custodial parent(s)/guardian(s) plus child support payments, if any, exceeds $45,000 and a student still wishes to apply, he or she may attach a letter explaining why his or her family qualifies as financially under-resourced.</p>

<p>If you have questions, the best way to reach me is via email at <a href=“”></a>. Please note that applications should be sent to <a href=""></a>, which is a GMAIL address. Questions should be sent to <a href=“”></a>, which is a PRINCETON address.</p>

<p>All application materials—as well as additional information about the program—are available at Summer Journalism Program: The Princeton University Summer Journalism Program.</p>

<p>A final word: We know that the process of applying to any selective program can be stressful, not to mention a lot of work—for students as well as their teachers. But, over the years, the students we have had come through our program have told us that, ultimately, the work they put into their application was worth it. And I can attest to this personally—since I am a graduate of the program.</p>


<p>Tasnim Shamma
Program Staff Associate<br>
Princeton Class of 2011
Princeton Summer Journalism Program Alum '06</p>

<p>To read what alumni say of the program: [Summer</a> Journalism Program: Alumni Reflect on Their SJP Experience](<a href=“Princeton Summer Journalism Program”>Princeton Summer Journalism Program)</p>


<p>Please visit [Summer</a> Journalism Program: The Princeton University Summer Journalism Program](<a href=“]Summer”>Princeton Summer Journalism Program) for the application.</p>

<p>anyone know a good one in Massachusetts, not MItes
-2nd thought it might be too late</p>