Any marine science people out there?

<p>Hello everyone! I got accepted EA into marine science/biology but wasn't really considering UM until I finally got around to visiting last week and now it's one of my top choices. Any one else on here thinking about going for marine science? I got the chance to tour the RSMAS campus and loved it and all the people I met. Unfortunately I didn't have such a great experience on the main campus with the non marine science people (no offense if any of you guys are reading this) and I was wondering if anyone else feels similar. I felt like there was a huge party mentality on campus and almost everyone I met (including the P100s) were really superficial and not the type of people I can see myself getting along with. Maybe I just had the bad luck of running into all the d-bags on campus so I'm curious what other people's experiences were...</p>

<p>Fellow marine science person here (if you couldn’t tell by my name :stuck_out_tongue: ). But anyway, there are a lot of really down to earth people, both inside and outside of RSMAS. You should request to join the marine science facebook group for class of 2016 (created by yours truly). It won’t allow me to post a link here, but just search university of miami class of 2016 marine science program and it will come up :slight_smile: There are so many cool people that I’ve met through facebook and in person that are going into the marine science program, so I highly recommend checking it out :-)</p>

<p>Rosenstiel is the top marine science program in the country, so congratulations on that : ) </p>

<p>One thing I’ve noted in the past few years of association with the U (family teach, attend, programs, class of 2016, etc) is that the mentality of the student body is improving. Yes, historically, it has been “sun-tan U” and might always be in part, because you can’t escape geography. But with more and more kids applying to schools, the quality of the class is more and more focused on academics. A professor of political science told me how, partially because he’s a tough grader, the kids he teaches have gotten more studious over the past 3 years. At any college, you’ll find parties and kids who spend all day in the library. But I’m confident that, especially as you’ll be taking classes with kids who share your unique interest, you’ll find friends that line up to your preferences. You probably did run into all the d-bags on campus</p>