Any news?

<p>Has anyone heard ANYTHING besides early admits?</p>

<p>Last year RD came out on March 14.</p>

<p>early Decision I (ED I): November 1 December 5
Accelerated Programs: November 1 Early April
Early Decision II (ED II): December 15 January 16
Regular Decision: January 15 March 14</p>

<p>I just got a letter promising me admission in March as long as my grades stay high, and offering me the presidential scholars program.</p>


<p>What exactly is the Presidential Scholars program? I looked at the website and it is kind of vague. Do you mind sharing your stats?</p>

<p>I’m not the one who was offered it, but I have a friend in this program. It’s basically an honors program, you eat-sleep-drink-dream it, have no time for any social life, and does not recommend it unless you want to have gray hair before you graduate from all the stress.</p>

<p>As far as I can tell, it guarantees you a URP (undergraduate research project) and nearly guarantees admission to some accelerated program (something like [RPI:</a> School of Science Academic Programs](<a href=“]RPI:”> ).</p>

<p>I wish I could tell you more but, because it’s a new program, I don’t know anyone doing it.</p>

<p>I don’t know much more about the program than the people who posted above me, but here is what the letter I got described it as:</p>

<p>-opportunity to extend RPI scholarships past the undergraduate degree into graduate education at RPI
-pre-admitted into a master’s or Ph.D. program
-provided with an acadmeic advisor
-eligible for accelerated B.S/M.S. program
-three $2,000 research stipends to participated in Undergraduate Research Program
-receive a Lenovo think Pad</p>

<p>and here are my stats, copied from old chance thread:</p>

<p>I was homeschooled my whole life until sophomore year, when I decided to go to public school.
GPA: weighted-4.6
Class Rank: 3/396
SATs: 2340: 800V/750M/790W
SAT IIs: 750 Lit, 770 Math I, 760 Math II
APs: English, Physics, Calc, Stats, Bio, Gov
(my school only offers a few more)</p>

<p>Essay: I think it is really good. I talked about changing to public school and how I grew from it. I related the experience to going to college.</p>

<p>Recs: I saw them. They are very good.</p>

Varsity Cross Country, Indoor Track, and Outdoor Track
Team Captain
Student-Athlete Leadership Group</p>

Model UN for 3 years (won best delgation at Northeastern last year), also President
Math Team for 2 years
President of Math Honor Society
4 other Honor Societys
National Honor Society
Dance out of school for 14 years
Work at a barn</p>

National Merit Semi-finalist
Rensselaer Medal Award
Wellesley Book Award</p>

<p>The wait is killing me… this is the only school I havent heard from at all, and my #1 choice, so everything revolves around that letter in 3 weeks or so… sigh</p>

<p>good luck wpirpi :slight_smile: Did you get into WPI?</p>

<p>Just curious, I was into WPI as well, what makes RPI more favorable to you than WPI?</p>

<p>Yes, got into WPI with nice merit, but it’s basically in my back yard, so I wanted to get awaaaaaaaaay. I’d live on campus at WPI, and would be happy there, but just looking for a change. The friends I have at RPI love it there.</p>

<p>I got a letter like peanutbutter’s today! I’m very excited & honored. Definitely plan to attend the Admitted Students Day on April 4th.</p>

<p>Gratz Poseur!</p>

<p>Are all admit/reject decisions only sent snail mail? Are they emailed, posted online? Thanks for any info.</p>

<p>They will send you an email with a link to your decision when it becomes available. They will also send you a hard copy in the snail mail.</p>

<p>decisions today at 7:00 pm.</p>

<p>They just come as an update on the “Application status” page?</p>

<p>Based upon this e-mail, that’s what it sounds like:</p>

<p>Dear Rensselaer Applicant:</p>

<p>Your admission decision letter will be available online after 7 p.m. on Saturday, March 14.
You may access your decision at <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt; by using your email address and
password to log on (please be sure to use the email address you indicated on your application). </p>

<p>Thank you again for your interest in Rensselaer. </p>

<p>Office of Admissions</p>