Any other bracefaces?

<p>I got braces the summer before 6th grade (2002?) and got them off almost exact 2 years later. Yay. I was supposed to wear my silly retainers (I have the ones that are like… invisalign. they are stupid) every other night until I’m 21 (wuuuuuuut) but I haven’t worn them regularly in a lonnnnng time. Basically I just pop them in every month or two now to see if they still fit. If they ~don’t, I wear them that night and it hurts like hell but my teeth pretty much move back. lololol. I hated braces a lot.</p>

<p>My friend had those invisalign retainers, and I remember being so disgusted one time when she ate part of a chocolate chip cookie and it all got stuck in the retainer. Her teeth looked like they were covered in ****.</p>

<p>had them from 7th to 8th grade (1 1/2 years I think), and now my teeth are perfect :smiley:
I still grimace when I think of how bad my mouth would hurt after adjustments.</p>

<p>Had them three and a half years…hated them with a deep and definite passion for three and a half years.</p>

<p>I was originally supposed to have braces for 20 months. It’s been 44.</p>



<p>Lol this is like exactly like me. I’m not sure if my ortho can’t tell that I don’t wear them every night or if he just isn’t telling me.</p>

<p>I still have my braces from when I got them off 5 years ago.</p>



<p>Exactly. (10char)</p>

<p>INVENIAMVIAM, you should definitely be careful. I was doing the same thing, just putting it in for a night every month or so and letting my teeth move back.
That lasted about 2.5 years, and then the ortho decided that since I never wore it, they were going to put the braces back on. I was so effing mad.</p>

<p>And they did.</p>

<p>It could totally happen to you.</p>

<p>Unlikely that someone going away to college would be told they had to put their braces back on.</p>

<p>i had all 4 wisdom teeth pulled out at once[opened my sutures by accident and started to bleed like crazy] and then got bands, then braces last-not this- thanksgiving {yay fun} and i should get them off in july hopefully before fsp-people look so gorgeous when they get hem off! i just hope this happens to me, because with some people it’s like ‘dude, braces didnt help’</p>

<p>oh and thiscouldbeheaven, my friend had the same stuff done cuz he had a cleft, dude that is so exciting! he has the screw implanted but he has to wait for it to heal before he gets the tooth in</p>


I don’t care if they say I “have” to get braces. They can’t actually MAKE me do anything. I have a brain, I want my teeth to be straight (and they are. they are exactly the same as when I got my braces off almost 5 years ago.), and if they start moving I will push them back into place with my retainers. It has worked before. I don’t even go to the orthodontist anymore, and I never will have to again.
The thing with only wearing my retainer when I need to… I haven’t even actually done that in like 2 years, because my teeth haven’t moved at all. So I’m fine. Thanks for the… warning… though.</p>

<li>braces for 3 years (6th to 9th grade)</li>
<li>never wore retainer</li>
<li>got all wisdom teeth pulled - 2 at a time</li>
<li>got braces again for 3 months (12th grade)</li>
<li>put in permanent retainer</li>
<li>gum surgery</li>
<li>caps around all the teeth</li>

<p>I believe I win.
I’m up to #6</p>

<p>I got them around last year and I’m about to graduate HS in 2 weeks. Hell yea I love the novelty. I’m a hare core nerd. Nothing could have helped perpetuate this sterotype better than braces.</p>

<p>Pink braces FTW
[I’m a dude ;D]</p>

<p>mine’s off yesterday, lmao after like 20 months of wearing them, i feel a bit weird when they were gone yesterday. but its all good! getting retainers tomorrow. :))) braces sucks… lol</p>

<p>Ohh no. The retainer is a LOT worse than the braces. I even had a pendulum for a while and that wasn’t even as bad as the retainer. I never wanted to wear my retainer, like ever. I eventually lost it and didnt tell my mom.</p>

<p>And sure enough, my teeth shifted back and I had to get braces again for 5 months.</p>

<p>Now I have a permanent retainer at the top front. I recomaend that over the removeable one.</p>

<p>I will be getting braces again this summer.</p>

<p>I had then while in fourth grade, but when I moved to Virginia they were taken off early. Now my bottom teeth are screwed up completely and my top is just starting to mess up.</p>

<p>I got my wisdom teeth out Friday, so next comes the braces. =o</p>

<p>I get mine off in less than a month! I had them for about 22 months - it sucked, but could’ve been way worse</p>

<p>my experience is pretty much the same as the OP’s. i got mine december 06, ive had them for 29 months (almost 2 1/2 yrs) but my ortho says i can get them off this summer :smiley: i have a terrible overbite, and my sister, who got hers the same say as mine, got hers off in march</p>

<p>I got my braces during my sophomore year (2006) and I still have them on. I was supposed to have them off last summer, but my teeth weren’t cooperating. So I’m getting them off within the next month or two and I’m getting 4 wisdom teeth pulled out (!!!). Is the process…painful?</p>