Any Plans for Requirement Changes to Presidential for Fall 2018?

Ole Miss has a very similar program to Alabama, except they give full tuition with a 33 on the ACT. A 32 at Ole Miss gets a few hundreds dollars short, however, students with a 3.5 get additional money. So it’s possible UA might add a point to the free tuition offer and still have a very generous offer for those with a 32.

May 1 is approaching and my son isn’t fully decided, but we’re now 90 percent set on Alabama. A big factor for us in the four years of both undergraduate and graduate tuition, which almost no other universities offer, save Oklahoma; and they only offer it for National Merit students, I think. He’s arriving with about 65 hours, so he should be able to get a couple of years of graduate school if he wants it. Accounting requires 150 hours, so at the very least he probably needs a Master’s of Accountancy. Anyway, to me this is a big deal. I know grad students can easily get assistantships, but having it already taken care of up front is nice.