<p>Hey everyone,</p>
<p>I'm currently a CAS sophomore studying Biology and Biomedical Engineering. I haven't really accessed this site too much since I finished the application process -- but I randomly chose to revisit tonight. Anyway, I'd like to welcome any students who are interested in studying chemistry or biology (or something related) at NYU to contact me with questions.</p>
<p>These are the classes I've taken so far, so feel free to ask me about them:</p>
<p>Calc I, II and III ; General Chem I, II ; Organic Chem I, II ; Principles of Biology I, II ; Physics I, II ; Intro to Comp Science I. (The other course I've taken are all random MAP courses and such).</p>
<p>Just send me a private message w/ your SN if you want to chat.</p>
<p>PS.. Mattistotle, how are you STILL a regular CC user!?!?!?</p>