Any shot at Mac?

<p>Male from Massachusetts</p>

<p>GPA: 85 UW, 90 W
RANK: Top 24% out of 450ish
SAT: 2150 (710 cr 710 m 730 wr)
SAT II: 720 US History, 700 Math I</p>

<p>EC's: A few leadership positions, volunteering, NHS member, an interesting internship</p>


<p>OH and an AP last year (5 on the exam), and 3 AP’s this year.</p>

<p>Pretty good chance if not asking for any aid. Less good chance if asking for aid.</p>


<p>Nope not asking for aid.</p>

<p>Chances are reduced if you’re asking for aid?</p>

<p>Macalester gives full financial aid (100% of need) but in the past few years has become “need-aware”, mostly for those “on the bubble” in terms of admission. Being full-pay won’t overcome mediocre grades, EC’s or test scores; likewise, checking the box for need-based financial aid won’t affect the chances of an outstanding candidate.</p>

<p>I realize my grades are below the Mac average, but are they TOO low? I mean, its a B average, but I’ve taken mostly honors and AP classes.</p>

<p>I got into Mac ED1 with no NHS and lower SAT scores than you and similar grades from Mass. I’d say apply ED2 if you want in.</p>

<p>Did you have any specific hook? Fantastic writer?</p>

<p>I just really love Mac and its great to hear from someone with similar stats who got in. I haven’t been able to visit though…hope that doesn’t hurt me too much</p>

<p>I was told my essays were really good (though I didn’t love them), and I think my interview (alumni) went pretty well. I’ve done a fair share of community service in both my community and others around the country. But I was probably helped with the fact I’m an urban kid who goes to a small charter school which is 86% African-American or Hispanic. I’m sure that helped me out quite a bit. </p>

<p>But, Macalester just really likes individuals it seems. You just have to convince them that they want you. I played the odds…was a boy, applied EDI, made sure my essays and interview went well, and had everything in before it was due. Mac isn’t a school looking for 4.5/2400s, they’re looking for kids who’re gonna succeed. Now, I just hope I can live up to that.</p>

<p>Oh and I asked for aid, but they only gave me $12,000 a year. Grrr.</p>

<p>Well I appreciate the info. Good luck at Macalester. Hope I’ll see you there next fall.</p>