any Spring Transfers heard back yet???

<p>I have not received an admissions decision yet for spring admission???? i have not even got my CANE ID??? every time i call nobody seems to know anything and call i have received is an email telling me that they have my application .</p>

<p>have any of y'all heard back yet??? its getting kinda late</p>

<p>im an intl spring transfer applicant and i still havent heard back been months …</p>

<p>im international transfer as well, from Canada but i have been doing school in the usa for the past 3 years ( graduated from an american high school). are you planning on living on campus? whats your major and where else did you apply? </p>

<p>are u planning on attending Miami if accepted? i feel like its getting extremely late… orientation is on the 8th of jan i believe</p>

<p>im from australia planning on staying on campus and i applied for economics i was 100% on attending but now its getting extremely late and may be a little difficult now so I might just end up doing an exchange to colorado for a semester in the fall and then re apply for my last 2 years of college…</p>