How much longer to receive a decision spring 2014 transfer

<p>Hi, I'm an international transfer prospective student (Australia) for spring 2014. Got my application in on the last day and all of my supporting documents in about 3 weeks ago and on canelink they have all been received. I still have not received a decision just wondering how much longer it is likely to take? Really really hope i get admitted!</p>


<p>I’m in the same boat as you. I sent in a freshman application for Spring 2014 and have still yet to hear anything regarding when I’ll be notified of admission decisions. I’ve sent emails and called their offices and have still yet to get a response. This is getting extremely frustrating for me and quickly lowering my opinion on potentially attending the University of Miami.</p>

<p>After three tries I finally got a response from Miami regarding when prospective students will be notified of admission decisions. I called the admission office and after asking when applicants will be notified, I was given the response, “sometime this month, just check your Canelink account a lot.”</p>

<p>I received an email this morning from the university saying that they had received my application and are currently looking at it and will get back to me within the next 2 weeks! which country are you applying from?</p>

<p>I’m actually in the U.S. applying as a freshman for the Spring.</p>

<p>Hey guys, today I looked at my student center and saw that I had a new communication in the top right corner. </p>

<p>It said:</p>

<p>UGRD Trans Spr Admt

<p>I called and asked what that meant and the woman told me that I got in!</p>

<p>Good Luck!</p>

<p>Congrats on getting in! I hope this means I’ll be hearing from them soon too!</p>

<p>Wow congratulations you must be stoked!</p>

<p>Congrats I also was admitted for spring transfer. My friend is an international student from Ecuador and he is still waiting.</p>

<p>have you heard anything yet cheddr?</p>

<p>applied 3.56 gpa 55 credits, cancer surivior, top 75 uni. still havnt even got my CANELINK ID YET???</p>

<p>are you an international spring applicant? I still have received a decision :/</p>

<p>Have you heard back yet? I just checked today and the portal says my application is complete with the green circle and the communicatio section says the decision was mailed out today…is it safe to assume I was not admitted because the admission status is a green circle and not the green checkmark?</p>

<p>@redtube I sill have not heard back and I just logged on and its saying my application is incomplete its always showed that i havent submitted the first copy of my passport and the bank statement thing but they told me I wouldnt need to submit until after I found out a decision. But now it says that they havent received my college transcript all of a sudden whats that about??</p>