Any way to get a acceptance letter to Harvard Law in December?

<p>This might sound like a strange question, but I'm writing a script where one of the characters gets an acceptance letter from Harvard Law at the very end of December. Could that be possible? Or when would they get their acceptance/rejection letters? Thanks for any info. :)</p>

<p>Try, go to law school, then admissions for their schedule. The computer is your friend. :)</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure that Harvard and most other law schools do rolling admissions now. I was very involved with a friend’s application process a few years ago, and his answers trickled in over 3-4 months. (One school never gave him a definitive answer; he finally withdrew his application in late May.) He heard from some schools as early as December or January, I think, but he didn’t hear from Harvard until later.</p>