<p>Would it be okay if I sent a resume with my recommendations. Im also a little stuck with the recommendation thing because I have one from an English teacher and my previous ApHist teacher who is also NHS moderator. Problem is, english is more of a major subject than history but my rec from my hist teacher is a lot better. I think im just going to send the one from my hist teacher since it is a lot better. Oh and I think I read somewhere on their site that resumes arent required but then on the application tips emails it was like make sure you have any supporting documents to enhance your application in by Jan 15 so I really dont know what that could mean lol</p>
<p>I will be sending in supplemental application materials in relation with my career field and why I think Pepperdine would be suited for me.</p>
<p>Kk, cool. I, too, have supplemental materials to send I wish they could see our postings on here and see how bad we really want to go to this school. I’m just finishing my application which I started in September thats how bad I’ve been thinking about the essays!! Its crazy how much I love this school. </p>
<p>PS i deactivated my facebook because i dont know every1 was telling me to just deactivate it until college admissions are over so i did but i still have myspace feel free to contact me there! :)</p>