Anyone Accepted To Georgia Tech Yet?

<p>If you have been accepted, post your stats and stuff</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted, not PSP semifinalist
applied before Oct. 1 deadline, accepted 11/5/08.
[<em>] SAT: n/a
[</em>] SAT IIs: 720 US History, 640 Literature
[<em>] ACT: 31 composite (31 M, 31 W, 34 R, 27 S)
[</em>] GPA: 94.7/100
[<em>] Rank: top 12% in a class of about 550
[</em>] Essay: In my opinion, it was good. I showed it to some friends and parents and people thought it was very good.
[<em>] Teacher Recs: n/a
[</em>] Counselor Rec: n/a
[<em>] Hook (if any): I am in a joint-enrollment program at the U. of West Georgia ([The</a> Advanced Academy of Georgia](<a href=“”>
[</em>] State or Country: Georgia, United States
[<em>] School Type: Public, Newsweek #279
[</em>] Ethnicity:Eastern European/ white/ Jewish
[li] Gender: Female[/li][/ul]Other Factors: LOTS of ECs-- mostly community service
General Comments:I’m happy I got in. Second choice, applied to 10 schools. Applied ED to Brown, decision comes out December 11th at 5. If I get rejected, I’m gonna be a YELLOW JACKET!!</p>

<p>if you applied before the oct. 31st deadline, and still haven’t received any notifications yet, does that mean you’ve been deferred? :(</p>

<p>for psp you’re out; admission, yes.</p>

<p>I don’t think that is accurate. In a post this morning on the GT message board ([Georgia</a> Institute of Technology :: Undergraduate Admission :: Message Boards](<a href=“Blow the Whistle! (404 error: page not found) | Undergraduate Admission”>Blow the Whistle! (404 error: page not found) | Undergraduate Admission)), a GT admissions counselor implied that decisions for PSP were still being made. He said in response to a question about “december notifications” that one could still get admitted as a PSP semifinalist, or admitted w/o PSP, or deferred.</p>

<p>thats awesome, congrats…i hope i get in</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted, PSP semifinalist
SAT: 770 Math, 670 CR, 700 Writing
SAT IIs: 800 Math II, 780 Chemistry
GPA: 4.0 unweighted/4.36 weighted
Rank: top 10%, 12/208
Essay: Good, unique.
Hook (if any): Tons of leadership through Boy Scouts, very competitive magnet High School
State or Country: Austin, TX
School Type: Public, top 100
Gender: Male
Other Factors: Tons of community service, leadership roles, extracurriculars, awards, etc.
General Comments: If I get the President’s Scholarship, I’ll go, otherwise, I’ll probably go to UT-Austin.</p>

<p>i haven’t been accepted yet, but my twin has been as a psp semifinalist. we have very similar stats, so i think this is because she applied to the college of liberal arts with a major in economics, while i applied to the college of management, which i guess was a bad choice that i didn’t think through very well. we both have very good stats that make us shoo-ins for ga tech, but i’m a little frustrated at not receiving my acceptance letter. ga tech’s only my backup school, but i need the psp if i don’t get into my top schools. is it harder to get into the college of management? are psp semifinalists still being chosen? did i really mess up my chances?</p>

<p>major is irrelevant, as about 1/3 of gt students change major.</p>

<p>semifinalists still being chosen.</p>

<p>thanks for the information.</p>

<p>my application status says “application complete” – does this mean they’ve reached a decision?</p>

<p>i also got an email from the president president’s scholarship program inviting me to a ga tech game where i can be matched up with a current president scholar who will give a tour. does this mean anything about my semifinalist standing?</p>

<p>sigh, i feel really clueless.</p>

<p>diggingforfire, I believe you’re a PSP semi-finalist! My D received an email invitation to a campus event from the PSP and a few days later received her acceptance packet with the semi-finalist notification. Also, I believe when your status changes to Application Complete that sets everything in motion. PSP issues invitations and packets are mailed, etc. Congrats in advance!</p>

<p>yes, thank you, SMHSMom! i just received my packet today. my worries were really unwarranted.</p>

<p>congrats to your daughter! and everyone else who got in. and good luck for those still waiting for their letters!</p>

<p>you guys want to chance me for GT, i have another threat under GT, btw congrats your lucky</p>

<p>if my admission is still “in process” does that mean I’m “differed”? </p>

<p>I sent the application before the 31st of oct</p>

<p>I applied to GA Tech for Pres Scholarship before Oct 31st and they sent me an email saying that they will send me my decision by Mid-December. I am yet to hear anything from GA Tech about my admissions decision. Does this mean I was denied, cuz a lot of people were already accepted who applied for the Pres Scholarship…</p>

<p>How did you guys hear about your decisions? Was it an email or a letter?</p>

<p>vreddy, final decisions were mailed out Monday, and no one is going to be denied this go-around, only deferred. as for PSP, I’m not sure if people are still getting those, I applied knowing I wasn’t gonna get that. Also, I posted this in another discussion about how acceptances will be recieved.</p>

<p>"I didn’t get one in the mail today, and I live in the greater ATL area. Sometime this week probably though.</p>

<p>However, a few different sources told me different things about decisions:</p>

<p>-From GT: Admits will be notified via Mail, Deferrals via e-mail
-A friend of mine who “knows a guy” at GT: Everything will be via Mail</p>

<p>[both of these say decisions should be received this week.]</p>

<p>-A friend of mine who allegedly knows the registar at GT: via Mail, but to be expected around Jan. 1st"</p>

<p>I got deferred from Tech. Is this a bad thing? Do a lot of people get deferred? Cause I though I had a Good Application</p>

<p>Class Rank: 1/200ish
Unweighted GPA: 4.0
Weighted GPA: 4.68/5.00
Extras: Student Council, Math Team, Academic Team, x Country, National Honor Society, Beta Club, National Art Honor Society.
Volunteer: Tutoring Middle School
Essay: Decent, not the best, but not horrible
I Live in Gainesville, GA
SAT: 760 Math 640 Reading 670 Writing
ACT: 33 Math 32 English 32 Composite</p>

<p>I was really disappointed? Think I’ll get in during regular then?</p>

<p>Applied at October 31st deadline, just got the acceptance letter today!</p>

<p>Here are my stats from the other post:</p>

<p>Asian Male
In State</p>

<p>Grade Percent Avg: 94.125
GPA: 3.875
Class Rank: 50 out of 821 (top 6%)
SAT: 2250 (660 CR, 800 M, 790 W)
SAT II: 770 Math II and Physics, 760 Chem, 750 US His, 690 Bio M
APs: (8 total) US History (5), Macroecon, American Govt, Calc BC, Chem, Physics C, Bio, Lang and Comp
[transferred high schools after sophomore yr, my former high school did NOT offer any APs to freshmen and sophomores]</p>

Science Olympiad
Key Club
Westpoint Online Bridge Design thing…
Math Team/Mu Alpha Theta
Science NHS
Volunteer @ local public library over the summer
Community Basketball</p>

talked about traveling to Africa and other third world countries to help out</p>

<p>Applied October 31st
Accepted/PSP Semi-Finalist/invited to join the Honors Program</p>

<p>Currently attending an in-state high school, but I recently moved so I’m classified as OOS for tuition purposes until I’ve been here for 12 months. I don’t know if they evaluated me as IS or OOS or if that even matters…</p>

<p>SAT: 1450/2180</p>

<p>Georgia Tech Weighted GPA: 4.1</p>

<p>Rank: I don’t officially know my rank at my new high school until I return from break, but I was 7/634 at my previous school, and I suspect I will be somewhere in the top 20 out of about 670 seniors at my new school.</p>

<p>Classes: Have taken the most rigorous courses available(9 AP’s etc…)</p>


  • leadership position in band since my sophomore year and made UIL District and Region bands on euphonium-selected as drum major but had to move=(
  • co-founded the science club at my school sophomore year and coordinated fundraisers so we could attend the BotBall Robotics competition in Houston my junior year
  • have my private pilot license
  • had my website entry in the Texas Technology Students Association(TSA) competition advance to state where it won
  • UIL Academics Ready Writing and Literary Criticism teams
  • fair amount of community service

<p>Essay: This is subjective, but I felt it was very strong.</p>

<p>Congrats to everyone who has been accepted and to those who were named semi-finalists. tomdawg1991: I’m not sure why you were deferred but with those stats I would say you will get in this spring so you shouldn’t worry.</p>

<p>Has anyone else received their acceptance to honors?</p>

<p>Best of luck to everyone with your college search/admissions!</p>

<p>Accepted/ NOT Semi-Finalist
Rank: 43/448
GPA: 3.92; 96.245
Essay: probably my essay that boosted my chances of getting in this round
ECs: NHS, Science NHS, English NHS, Varsity Science Olympiad, Varsity Math Team
Sports: Varsity Swim Team (9, 10, 11, 12); Varsity Tennis Team (9, 11); Varsity Cheerleading (10, 11)
Jobs: Rec lifeguard, Swim instructor, Tumbling coach
APs: 9 total; AP Physics B, Lang, Lit, Psych, Calc BC, Chem, Bio, U.S. History, World Hist.
I am very shocked I got in…compared to those with awesome stats who got deferred.</p>