Anyone accepted to Spring Connect 2023 at NCSU?

Has anyone been accepted to Spring Connect 2023 or done this before in previous years and have any particular comments about the program?

yup I got in too! me and some of my peers are taking some gen eds at wake tech for the fall semester so we r all set once spring rolls around :slight_smile:

what is this program about? I was talking to a friend who is interested.

(Information for Applicants Admitted for Spring Connect | Undergraduate Admissions)

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I have been accepted for the spring. It sucks I really wanted to start on the fall

Can I live on campus and go to wake forest

Based on Information for Applicants Admitted for Spring Connect | Undergraduate Admissions , they encourage the following:

  1. Attend a NC community college to take courses that will transfer to courses you will need at NCSU.
  2. Take a gap semester to work or do other non-college activity.

Option #1 would give you a chance to complete some lower level courses for your major or general education at a probably lower cost.

NCSU is pretty straightforward about why they do spring admission:

Note that the December graduates probably include many who graduated one semester early or one semester late (fairly common situations).

More and more colleges are doing this. UNCW has done it for years. UNC has Global Launch, which is similar but has a price tag of $20K for 1 semester of study abroad. Many colleges do not advertise it but offer spring semester spots to weaker candidates. This is a win-win for both parties. Colleges look more competitive for rankings and students get an opportunity to study where they want.