Anyone care to read my Chicago essay prompt?

<p>i already submitted my application and wrote my essay using this original prompt:</p>

<p>Prompt: In our lives as human beings, nothing seems to separate us more from other animals than our reliance on shoes. We buy shoes, talk about buying shoes, go to big buildings to try on shoes, throw away shoes when they don’t fit, use shoes to hit other people when we’re angry, get angry at shoes when they are uncomfortable, and if you’re a woman, you often curse the day high-heeled shoes were invented. Although they may come in different sizes, shapes, and sometimes even, flavors, shoes have one major purpose: to help us get to where were going. Describe the influence of shoes in your life, the life of family members, your community, and/or friends. In your essay, you can discuss shoes metaphorically or literally. Just make sure you mention the word “shoes” like five times. ;)</p>

<p>i dont know. i just made it w/ out really reading the instructions but glancing over them again, i think its not U of Chicago Uncommonessay-esque (what ever that means hehe)</p>

<p>Well it definatly is uncommon :wink:
I also am apply RD to Chicago and from what I gathered their supplemental essay is intended mostly to see how you can take meaning from their abstract prompts and articulate it in an essay. They didn’t really want a personal statement as there was already a place for one on the common application. If you focused your essay more on the metaphorical part rather than the literal I think your essay will be perfect. That being said as long as your essay is well written I think you will be fine. An application essay is ultimately just a showcase of your writing ability. As long as that prompt provided a good stage for your writing then it is a good prompt.</p>

<p>I was accepted EA, and I agree with awsomo that as long as you focused more on the metaphorical shoes than the literal shoes, you probably have quite a solid prompt there. The UChicago extended essay is mostly there for you to showcase your thinking as well as your ability to write, I would say. I did not submit an original prompt (I wrote on prompt #2, I believe it was, the one about zooming in and out on something), but I have seen here on CC examples of some other ones people have sent in, and yours seems to be just about in the same vein.</p>