Anyone did Running Start in pre nursing?

I’m a running start student, I want to get my degree in pre-nursing. How did you apply to your nursing school? Were there any conflicts? Where did you apply to and did you get into any? I’m worried I might not get admitted because of the circumstances of running start.

You should talk to your guidance counselor and see what kind of options you have with your specific program. I’m not certain what running start is exactly, according to google it looks like college classes while in high school. So if that’s the case it would depend on what classes you took, your grades and test scores.

Some nursing programs are 4 year direct admit where you take a mix of gen ed and nursing classes. Then some programs are two years of gen ed classes and two years of nursing classes. You usually apply to the nursing program early during your sophomore year but depends on the school. If you took the gen eds while in hs and got into a college that accepted them as full credit, you could potentially apply for the nursing program earlier. Most nursing programs are very selective so you’ll need to maintain a high GPA. The 4 year direct admit programs tend to accept more students but then you’ll have to pay for 4 years instead of 2.

Just a note, some community colleges offer RN programs but you’re only an ASN not a BSN. It can be very difficult to find a job until you complete the BSN, which is usually an online program that takes about a year. Lots of schools offer RN to BSN degrees.