Anyone else accepted into NYU Stern London?

I was fortunate enough to be accepted into Stern’s first year in London program. Anyone else doing this program? Its looking like a pretty small program (I only know one other person atm) and I want to meet more people.

I have been accepted as well and I’ve been trying to meet people. I’m very anxious cuz I’m p sure this is the first year that they’re doing it. Is there any way I can reach out to you?

Can you share any information about the NYU Stern London First Year program? Did you end up accepting your admission?

Thank you!

I did end up in London as it was my ed. I’ve been enjoying my time here but its def a different experience from nyc. Do you have any specific questions?

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How has it affected recruiting? Has it affected when you complete your requirements for the degree? And in terms of admissions, do you recommend saying you are open to going to London to increase chances of admission or do you think it doesn’t matter?

Have you been able to find community while studying in London as a freshmen? How many NYU Stern London are accepted each year? What about your classes? How often do you get to come back to the states?

  1. For internship recruiting, it does not affect recruiting: there are few opportunities for freshmen and any internships and its up to you to go look for them. Some people have been able to find internships in London and others are looking for internships in the US for freshmen summer. We are at a disadvantage is club recruiting, no one here has gotten a role (like portfolio team) at the main NYC stern clubs. There are club opportunities at nearby UCL but there are less spots and generally not as good.

  2. They have added freshmen stern courses so generally you take required courses, same as you are in NYC. If you have a lot of credits from high school you may bypass a lot of requirements and have to take an elective, which there are less of here.

  3. Saying you are open to London may increase your chances but not by much. Being open to more opportunities should always increase your chances. However, due to how small the program is (~35 students) it won’t change much. I would say if you don’t want to go to London, do not say you want to come just for a minimal boost in admission chance.

  1. Everyone here has been able to find community here. Due to the small number of freshmen (~35 stern freshmen and ~65 ls freshmen), most people fit into a group or two soon enough.
  2. Don’t know about accepted but roughly 35 committed here.
  3. Classes here are easier than NYC but there are less options
  4. Most people plan to go back during Winter break. For Thanksgiving and Spring break, most people are planning to visit other European countries.

What led to you deciding to apply to London for your first year? After being there for a few months, would you recommend this? Since there are only 35 of you, are all from the US or from other countries as well? Thank you for taking the time to respond to our questions. My daughter would love to attend NYU.

  1. Decided to apply because I enjoyed living abroad
  2. I would recommend the experience. The opportunity to study in London and NYC, two of the greatest financial cities in the world, is an opportunity most people never get. The location of NYU London is also convenient. For those who only care about career progression, NYC is better though.
  3. Majority come from US but there are some international students

Hi, I was also recently admitted to the Stern London program for the class of '26. I’m really excited but was wondering if you could answer a few questions. Really appreciate your feedback:

  1. What do you think are some of the biggest disadvantages of being in London compared to NYC? Conversely, what are some of the biggest advantages of being in London?
  2. Do other Stern kids in NYC view the Stern London kids differently (which is why it’s harder to get good positions in Stern Clubs)?
  3. What’s the general atmosphere of NYU London? Are the Stern London kids tight-knit? Do you mingle with the 3rd year BPE kids that are visiting?
  4. Are the quality of proffesors on par with those in NYC? Also, are the professors British?
  5. Have you taken any liberal arts courses unique to the London campus?
  6. Do you have opportunities to network with the NYC campus kids?
  7. What was orientation week like?
  8. How often do you join field trips/ activities offered by NYU London?

Thanks so much :slight_smile:

My D is applying RD. Can you share your stats if you are comfortable?


  1. Biggest disadvantages: no meal plan, only time you see family is winter break, could miss out on some career/club progression (freshman year isn’t that important for recruiting so don’t worry about this too much)
    Biggest advantages: truly unique opportunity, easier grading, chill environment
  2. I don’t think London kids are viewed any differently. I suspect the main reason that less/no kids got into stern clubs (that I know of) is because a. definitely not many kids applied to clubs back in NYC, preferring to join UCL clubs instead and b. potentially some clubs did not want studying abroad members because of the hassle of online meetings.
  3. Atmosphere is hardworking but friendly, overall more relaxed than NYC is. All the Stern London kids know each other but they don’t necessarily form a closed group. The majority of the freshman in London are LS kids and most friends groups are a blend of Stern and LS. BPE kids go to London in sophomore year btw
  4. The quality of professors vary drastically depending on the class, on average probably on par with NYC. There are some amazing profs there, make sure to use ratemyprofessor. Most professors are British.
  5. No but there are many London focused liberal arts courses especially on government, literature and architecture.
  6. NYU never facilitated opportunities to network with NYC campus kids. You could always network online if its important to you, I’m close with a few NYC kids myself just by networking online.
  7. There is no orientation week
  8. ~2/month. Wanted to go to more but some activities, such as football games, fill up very quickly like less than one minute after spots open. Try to join as many of these as you can as they let you explore the city.

Thanks so much for the input!!

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So, in general, is there a way that you can describe the type of people who do NYU London for freshman year? Why do most people decide to do it? Do people feel a good sense of belonging and community?