Anyone else attending Blount interviews?

<p>My daughter is interviewing for Blount on Jan. 13th. There’s also a tour of the dorm and houses and some other programming for students and parents. Anyone else headed to T-Town for this?</p>

<p>It states on the UA website for Blount that interviews are conducted in March. Is she perhaps doing a mini-tour of Blount and meeting with Dr. Hornsby?
If Dr. Hornsby is not in her plan, you might want to consider setting an appt with him. He’s very personable and obviously has lots of info about Blount.
My daughter is torn about Blount. She loves the idea but really wants to live in Tut because of Rush. Blount has a requirement to live in the Blount dorms. Tough call for a Freshman!</p>

<p>Its the actual small group interviews. The invitation letter was signed by Dr Hornsby, so its a case of the website being out of step with the current process.</p>

<p>Very well. Good luck but most of all have a great time at BAMA! Keep us updated of your daughter’s decision. Blount sounds very cool.</p>

<p>TX12: Would you mind keeping us in the loop about what you hear/think about Blount? There’s not a lot of info here on the board about it and I think it might be a good fit for D2 who is HS class of '13. I plan on asking Allison to schedule something with Blount when she does her UA visit in March.</p>

<p>TX12: I’m going to be interviewed for Blount in January & will also be touring with my parents.</p>

<p>Absolutely will let folks here know how the day enfolds. My D doesn’t read CC at all but does post on the 2016 Facebook page. What wasn’t clear was how many small group interviews will be taking place on that one day or what the size of the group(s) will be.</p>

<p>Hope to run in to you and your parents, Hannah!</p>

<p>We went to University Days last February and toured the super suites (not sure which dorm), Tutweiller and Blount. My D knew the super suites were not for her (the rooms too isolated - she actually is looking forward to having a roomate.) She had a wonderful tour of Blount given by two women who were also in sororities. One of the things they mentioned was that students could always find a comfortable and quite place to work as a group in Blount. They seemed to feel that wasn’t always true in Tutweiller or in their houses and often hosted study groups in Blount.</p>

<p>I’m interviewing on the 13th as well. Bama is offering me a lot of scholarship money as a probable NMF so it’s up there on my list.</p>

<p>I will be interviewing and touring tomorrow as well! Good luck to you all!</p>