Anyone else fallen in love with their last choice school?

<p>Not to bore you with details, but I didn't get into any of the privates I applied to, but did get into UCLA and UCB. I didn't initally want to go to these schools because they are on the West Coast and I really want out of California. But recently, after reading up on it and thinking about it, I've totally fallen in love with UCLA. I feel guilty over how negative I've acted towards the UC's in the past. I'm also really happy that it's only going to cost half what the private schools would have.</p>

<p>Is there anyone else who has fallen in love with their last choice school???</p>


<p>cant say i have</p>

<p>doesn't work that way. first, they make it their first choice school. Then they admit falling in love. :)</p>

<p>you have plenty of reasons to love UCLA!</p>

<p>Haha! </p>

<p>I think I got really lucky. My UCLA decision came about two or three weeks before all my other schools, and in that time I really started to like it, and really started to consider it. By the time the first waitlist came, I wasn't heartbroken at all. I was more "Ok, so I didn't get in. Bruins 2010!" </p>

<p>I just wonder if I'm missing out on being really heartbroken and feeling really sorry for myself. I think at least it's showing my parents that I can handle myself well, because I think they've been worried about sending me away to college.</p>

<p>Some days, I guess it's good to be optomistic. And this rain in the Bay Area has TOTALLY helped. I cannot wait for sunny SoCal.</p>

<p>I got into Stanford, Duke, Cornell, JHU, and Berkeley, all the other UCs, Harvey Mudd, and Georgia Tech (my very last choice)</p>

<p>But I visited Georgia Tech for a weekend and absolutely just fell in love with the place. The people I've met there were some of the most amazing I have met and the greek life there was just insane (a good thing for me). I was seriously considering choosing georgia tech over stanford for a couple of days. But alas, as much as I liked the place, I just know that if I went there, I might regret losing stanford for the rest of my life.</p>

<p>Besides, I realized that Red > Yellow</p>

<p>That would make it your first choice school, wouldn't it?! :)</p>

<p>If you love it, and it's a fit...why quibble about where it originally ranked on your list?</p>

<p>Just a thought.

<p>well i didnt get into any of the schools i REALLY wanted to go to(UCLA, UCB, etc.) but i still had UCSD. now i'm realizing it isn't that bad.</p>


<p>Quick question. So you're going to a school that you like less because you'll regret the "What if..."?</p>

<p>And that you'll regret it for life??? Wow. I'm turning down some of my reach/match schools (including ivies and some 'top' LAcs) to possibly attend what would be a safety (I got waitlisted) because I like it better.</p>

<p>I'd have no regrets (about the choice, assuming I'd get in) because I'm confident about my fit with the college. I do understand that prestige matters...but happiness does as well. In any case, good luck.</p>


<p>Well, I definitely don't dislike stanford. Not at all. I meant my post more in the way that I was going to inevitably choose stanford anyways (my dream school) but georgia tech just became so much harder to let go.</p>


<p>My dream school used to be UPenn...but I realized through the process that I liked LAcs better. Then, to my surprise, I found Union more to my taste than Hamilton, Haverford, Grinnell....</p>

<p>So, I'm taking a chance on the waitlist at Union...and am trying to decide between Dartmouth and other LACs. UPenn's CGS could be an option as well (because it seems small), although I would have to apply to that school of UPenn. My admission is good only for L&S.</p>

<p>Again, I just read your post, and was struck by it. Just wanted to make sure you didn't pick Stanford primarily because of its rank, prestige, etc...</p>

<p>Good luck.

<p>yay fiddledd is a private school reject like me! my only choices are UCB and UCLA also :(</p>

<p>well. falling in love with my last choice?---that would never happen to me:(</p>

<p>i WISH it would happen to me, because i probably have to go there.</p>

<p>Yes it DID happen to me:) After I found out I got in only one school, namely Amherst (a heck of a "last choice", eh?) I promptly set out to do as much research on Amherst as possible, drawing on all the nooks and crannies of the website, Wikipedia, Google and everything. I don't know if it was plain luck that Amherst happens to suit me in EVERY way except its lack of a Linguistics major. Now I'm finding it hard just to imagine myself going anywhere else:)</p>

And this rain in the Bay Area has TOTALLY helped. I cannot wait for sunny SoCal.


<p>Heh, it's been raining here (in SoCal) on and off for the past several weeks. However it was sunny all through January and February.</p>


And this rain in the Bay Area has TOTALLY helped. I cannot wait for sunny SoCal.


Heh, it's been raining here (in SoCal) on and off for the past several weeks. However it was sunny all through January and February.


<p>Wow, if you folks ever came up to where I'm living, you'd be miserable! It starts raining around October~November and doesn't let up until around May...although there are periodic dry spells (well, RELATIVELY dry spells, heh). I'm just glad we happen to be in the middle of a fairly nice dry spell this week.</p>

<p>Heh I'm actually not complaining, unlike the people around me. Southern Californians freak out when it starts sprinkling. I actually don't mind the rain... but sure, I would probably get sick of it if I lived in the Pacific Northwest. To me it feels like something is wrong when it's sunny all the time.</p>

<p>Well hey, if UCLA was <em>my</em> last choice, I wouldn't be the least depressed. Haha.</p>

<p>8 1/2: yep...Rain in the Pacific Northwest, as usual.</p>

<p>Aerolite: I could not agree more...UCLA is a great school.</p>