Anyone Else Get an eMail from Yale about Interviews Yet?

<p>^The title says it all. </p>

<p>It means nothing but I am still really excited!!</p>

<p>This thread made me all excited, and then I checked my email and I got nothing. :(</p>

<p>Good luck though!</p>

<p>(PS: When did you submit your application?)</p>

<p>^Dec 30th.</p>

<p>And I don’t think everyone would get the same email at the same time…they are based on regional availability.</p>

<p>I submitted my app Dec. 14th and STILL haven’t heard anything. I haven’t even gotten an ELI account yet! It’s getting kind of worrying.</p>

<p>Don’t worry if you don’t get one. I never, ever received any information about interviews (EA) and was still admitted. So hooray.</p>

<p>I did: but not in the way the OP intended. </p>

<p>I got to my email today and was welcomed by NINE assigned interviews. It happens that 6 kids from my district applied and that I’m one of the furthest East interviewers in my area and got a few out in the boonies. </p>

<p>I asked my director to reduce the assignments and he begged saying that our area is expecting another 50 names this week to the already over 350. I and my fellow alums are gonna be busy!</p>

<p>(BTW, I did four EA mtgs already for this season)</p>

<p>Holy! Have fun, T26E4!</p>

<p>But is it normal that after 3 weeks, there’s no sign from Yale that my app was received?</p>

<p>My son submitted on 12/31, and hasn’t received any information yet. We are in the D.C. metro area, so there are a lot of Yale alums (and applicants). Any idea when interviews are supposed to be finished by?</p>

<p>I think Mar 1 is our deadline for writeup submission. Don’t sweat it folks. Some regional groups are more organized than others. Some groups have more volunteers than others. If you or your child doesn’t get an interview, it’s not held against you whatsoever.</p>

<p>I got mine this morning, and I’m going in on Wednesday. Wish me luck! </p>

<p>Best of luck to all of you as well</p>

<p>Interview reports are due by February 15. I echo T26 that people should not be sent into a tailspin if don’t get an interview. Yale does not publicize its alumni interviewing to its alumni very well, so there are not nearly as many interviewers out there as you’d expect. Many interviewers are saddled with large numbers of interviews and still can’t get to everyone. We try our best!</p>

<p>hey! I did, i just got mine today. I guess I’ll see him this weekend. I submitted my app on Dec. 30.</p>

<p>and i wiish i had visisted yale before the interview…but not until later this month, I’ll have the time to visit yale…oh well.</p>

<p>So are the ELI IDs and confirmations sent at the same time as the interview notifications?</p>

<p>I got an interview already… I live in the Northeast so maybe that’d help?</p>

<p>wildchartermage- wow you got an interview already? I submitted my app the 25th, and haven’t had one yet. Hmm, oh well.</p>

<p>serendipity-no i don’t think so, b/c I’ve been sent my Eli account info, but haven’t been notified for an interview.</p>

<p>OMG. This is actually really scary. I haven’t received Eli yet, and I sent my app in three weeks ago.</p>

<p>I already had my interview, but haven’t gotten anything from Eli; is this normal?</p>

<p>i submitted just before thanksgiving (for RD :stuck_out_tongue: , even though Yale is my no. 1)… and an alum called me thansgiving day actually</p>

<p>i was so surprised i am thankfull i did not say anything stupid</p>

<p>I’m sure all this stuff isn’t anything to worry about; I’d just give it a few more weeks. Let’s remember that the small number of us posting threads on this forum are only a fraction of the number of RD applications they’ve received.</p>

<p>I applied around December 24th and still haven’t gotten any ELI information or an interview. Not even a confirmation Yale received my app.
I’m not worrying yet though, there’s still a lot of time.</p>